Can this be love❤️

1098 Words
Nora PoV . . I walked into the room with mixed feelings. I was happy that Damon asked me to be his date and at the same time sad when i remembered the horrible thing Mr Parker made me do How I wish all this can just pass . . I sat on the bed and was about to take off my dress when Anthony walked in “Can’t you knock?”. I asked him “ I am sorry”. he apologised I looked at him, he looked kind of angry “ what is wrong Anthony?”. I asked him “ who is the guy that dropped you?”. he asked ignoring my question “ chill, nobody tried to kidnap me”. I replied him laughing “ are you now dating rich guys ?”.he asked “ what is really wrong Anthony?”. I asked “Is the guy who drop you your boyfriend?”. He asked with the same serious look “That is Damon”. I replied and he is not my boyfriend”. I replied “ which of the Damon?”. he asked in surprise “ Damon Adams”. I replied “ you mean the cold- hearted Adams came to drop you in the slums”. He doubted “ yes, the same Adams”. I replied “ Are you f*****g him?”. he suddenly asked “ what!!!!”. I exclaimed “Was he the one who gave you the money for Zara Bill?”, he asked “Anthony, What has come over you?”. I asked “ Nora,I am tired of your lies”. he replied, I am your best friend and I deserve to know the truth I looked at him and scoffed “ don’t act like you know everything about me , I did what i did so my sister can live”. I said with tears rolling down my eyes “Nora, i am sorry”. he apologised, I am just worried about you “ it is okay Anthony but please don’t ever call Damon cold- hearted because he is not”. I warned “Nora”. He called “ yes”. I replied “ I just want you to be happy”.he said “ Thanks Anthony, you are my only true friend”. I replied.... . . “ Mum”. I called when she walked in with Zara “Nora”. Zara greeted “ Where have you been?”. I asked She looked at me and smiled “ you are hungry right?”. She asked I nodded “ when will you learn how to cook?”. Zara asked with a scoff “ shut up Zara”. I barked at her “ you are just impossible”. She said with an eye roll “Stop it girls”. My mum said laughing, i will just go prepare dinner. Zara come over and assist me “ why must it be?”. Zara asked whining , I am the younger one here “Go and assist mother”. I said teasing her . . I sat down on the floor with Zara eating dinner while mother sat on the bed “ stop rushing the food”. Zara queried “ I am really hungry”. I said as I continued eating in a rush She looked at me and shook her head “ how is your charming prince?”. She suddenly asked “ which Prince Charming?”. My mum asked I looked at Zara and have her a playful glare “ do you have a boyfriend?”. My mum asked me “ he is just a friend mother”. I replied “ oh, I see. Who is this friend of yours?”. She asked “ Damon Adams”. I replied She looked at me in surprise “ Damon!!!! I nodded. “ he asked me to be his date mother”.i said She stared at me for a while and smiled “ just be careful child”. She advised . . . Noami PoV . . “ what do you mean he came to the cafe because of her?”.my sister asked “ he came to the cafe staring at her throughout without buying a thing”. I explained She looked at me panting in anger “ who is this friends of yours?”. She asked “ she is innocent sis, it is obvious Damon is into her”. I replied “ tell her to back off from Damon”.She warned “ can’t you just let them be”. I said “ what. She barked giving me a thunderous slap” “ why?”. I asked holding my cheeks “ that is to Remind you never to talk back at me? I made you what you are today and you should be grateful”. She yelled “ I am sorry “. I apologised “ that is better dear”. She said , when is the party?”. She asked “ what party?”.i asked in confusion “ I mean Adams company party “. She said “ on Saturday”. I replied “ Good”. She said smiling “ what did you plan on doing?”. I asked her I will make an appearance, I can’t wait to see Damon.......... . . I climbed upstairs to my room still holding my cheeks “ what hold does she have on Damon, why is she so sure of getting Damon”. I have never seen her angry like this before............ . . Damon PoV . . I laid on my bed thinking about Nora “ what the hell did she do to me”, I heard a knock on my door “ come in”. I replied and grinned when Miss Petra walked in holding a tray “ Petra”. I called “ I brought your food to you”. She said as she placed it on a stool beside my bed “ thank you”. I said She nodded and was about leaving when I called her She turned to look at me “ I think I like someone”. I blurted out “ really”. She said ,moving closer to me “ yes”. I think I like her “ who is she ?.She asked , does she goes to your school?” “I nodded “Then she must be rich, who is her father?”. She asked “ I don’t know “. I replied “ you don’t know”. She repeated “ only rich people goes to Adams college so her father must be someone important”.she explained “ her uncle is her benefactor”. I defended She nodded. “ I can’t wait to see the lucky girl................. . I was not having much appetite so I ate little out of the food and laid back on the bed I thought of Nora and smiled “ I don’t even have her number”, I don’t even know anything about her I was not really sure of what I was feeling but I knew it was something strong, I wondered if I felt something like this for Bella... My phone suddenly beeped indicating a message , it was an unknown number , I clicked on it and read it “I really can’t let you go Damon, you are mine and mine alone”. “I read the message all over again wondering who sent it, it might be one of those crazy bitch . . Who is this crazy Noami sister . . Who do you think sent the message? . . TBC
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