Chapter 8

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She pouted and I felt like I needed to shoot myself. "f**k. Fine, okay." Any guy would gladly do this, but not any guy can just stop himself after undressing a girl like this. "Lift your damn hands up, suka." She stumbled in the crowded bathroom, but finally her hands lifted, and I pulled off her halter. I pulled down her skirt, and kneeled by her side. I could f*****g eat this b***h out right now. "Step." I said as she gripped my hair for balance and stepped out of her skirt. She was now left in thin lingerie, she turned around so I could unhook her bra. My finger trailed her back and with one swift moment, her bra fell off her shoulders. God damn perfect t**s. I kneeled down and slowly slid off her panties. God damn perfect p***y. She was so...beautiful. Her stoned as s**t eyes rolled back into her head as she stumbled and I gripped her naked body. She's trying to f*****g kill me. "stand f*****g still, suka." I took off my suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves to my white dress shirt. My suspenders held my hand guns and I reluctantly pulled them out. "N-no" she said softly "you need to come in the shower with me." I shook my head and tried not to look at her body, "dumbass, I know tha-" "Naked." What. The. s**t. f**k. I paused, "you're a horny stoner, aren't you?" I checked my phone. We had 50 minutes. If sinister found out, he'd f*****g kill me, but this b***h would kill herself if she tried to shower on her own. She wouldn't remember anyway. "I'm not getting fully naked with you, horny suka." I unbuttoned my shirt and stepped out of my dress shoes, dress pants and socks, until I was left in boxers. She reached for me to take off my boxers but I grabbed her wrists. "f*****g no. Get in the damn shower, you're lucky I'm f*****g doing this." More like the other way around. I lifted her into the shower, and I felt her ass on my c**k and it f*****g destroyed me. She struggled against me, I guess she didn't want to shower. I held her head under the freezing tap, her dark hair getting soaked. I washed her hair with the soap, and rubbed the suds. I froze as I felt her tracing the tattoos on my arms. She was going to f*****g destroy me, I'm the one that needs a cold shower right now. I took in a deep breath and rested my forehead on her bony little shoulder. This b***h is killing me. And I hate her for it. She started mumbling things that made no sense at all, so I turned off the tap, and wrapped a towel around her. she turned around to face me, water clung to her complexion. I stepped out of the shower and lifted her out. Her eyes were losing their red tinge. I pulled out the black dress that sinister wanted her to wear. I slipped on her panties and had her step into the dress. "Here." I handed her a bag filled with makeup and a brush. "Brush your hair, I'm going to get something to get rid of your high." I don't know why I needed to explain myself to this little cunt. It's not like she could understand anyways. I put on my clothes and shook my hair out. I left the room to go downstairs, Sinister was sitting at a table having a meeting. His eyes frowned when he saw my wet hair and pissed off expression. A small smile formed on his lips. "ne sprashivayte." I growled even though this asshole knows exactly what he did. (Don't ask) Not that I exactly mind. I grabbed the medicine from the cabinet and a bottle of water before going back upstairs. In the room, she stood, hair combed, trying to zip up her dress. This girl can't do anything. I stepped close behind her, her ass backed into my c**k and I felt her stiffen. My calloused fingers felt for the zipper and she swept her hair back, as I lifted the zipper along the lines of her back. She turned around, her eyes still rimmed with red. "Open." I growled, she opened her mouth as I slid the pills in and poured the water down. She swallowed and I felt her sway. "when you feel sober enough, do your makeup. Sinister will be here in thirty minutes." I left the beautifully sexy girl with the high cheek bones alone, and told myself to keep in mind that she's a horny stoner. And I can't ever f**k that. She's Sinister's after all. CHAPTER 13 Sinister POV: I stopped outside Her door. That little problem of a girl. I probably shouldn't have given the little w***e the drugs that I did. It was called the Devils Tongue and it f****d you up. Based on Afanas's face when he walked downstairs...she was f****d up. I was taking her out to a dinner. It was a dumbass idea, but if she was going to start standing by my side, I might need to start treating the little slut better. I straightened the tie on my suit jacket, adjusted the 9-millimeter in my pocket and knocked on the door. I heard at least twelve colorful curses flow from behind the door. I think she was sobered up. Why the f**k is she keeping me waiting? I flew open then door...and stared. I had been doing that a lot lately, I couldn't help it, but I am a man who enjoys beautiful things. This girl certainly was a beautiful thing. She was dressed in the spaghetti strapped short black dress that I had picked, her long black hair was cascaded around her shoulders. You couldn't not stare. She definitely wasn't American, I don't know why I was stupid enough to believe that she was from New York. There was a kind of innocence that surrounded her, and I f*****g hated it. She looked so f*****g pure and sweet, it made me want to f**k her tight ass p***y all the more. "You f*****g drugged me you f*****g shitface manwhore." Ah, yes. I forgot the second she opens her mouth, the sweetness is gone. Anger bubbled inside of me, and I couldn't believe how stupid I was to let someone as low and dirty as her, insult me. I pulled my pistol from my jacket, pressing it into the sweet part of her neck. My left arm snaked around her tiny waist as I pushed her into the barrel of the gun. "Careful, little one. You won't be so pretty if you continue to speak to me like that." The threat was entirely true. I might actually enjoy torturing the little w***e. A waste of beauty, but she shouldn't test me. I felt her breath hitch and I could tell she was biting her tongue back, probably to refrain from calling me a string of profanities. She might not be as big an i***t as I thought. In truth, I didn't want any girl to be in my life. Especially not some w***e. I don't know why the f**k I bought her. I was high as hell, I had been sitting in on those auctions for weeks. Gripping the BID button like some bastard for weeks without pressing it once. I don't know why I bought her. The first thing I noticed was her innocence. These auctions were for prostitutes and low-life's who had been picked off the streets. This girl was so goddamn different. When they said she was a virgin, and so f*****g young I don't know why the f**k my interest peaked. And I had spent over half a million of the mafia' mafia's money on her. I hope she was f*****g worth it. I heard her gasp, and I pulled the barrel of the gun away. I took my arm away from her, and she stumbled back. I slid my gun back into my jacket. "nadet' obuv'." (Put on your shoes) I handed her the pair of heels. I had avoided giving them to her while she was high because I thought she would attempt to stab me or Afanas with them. She looked at them, a dark eyebrow c****d up. "You over estimate my slutty abilities, Mr. Velkov." "No, I don't. If anything, I underestimate them. Put the f*****g shoes on." She scowled at me and grabbed the shoes from me. I felt my temper boiling but I said nothing. "Also, do not call me Mr. Velkov. My name is Sinister." She nodded, as she slid on the heels. They were quite sexy heels. Tall, and black, with straps. I noticed that this little girl pushed her accent away, and for some reason, it bothered me. She was trying so hard to not be exactly what she was. The second she buckled the other shoe I grabbed her and pushed her out the door. I heard her curse under her breath but I paid her no mind as I began walking down the halls. My men were gone, scoping out the Italians drug cartel base. In a few weeks, we would invade their drug import headquarters. Fuck those Italian scum. "pereyekhat'." (Move) She was taking too f*****g long. I pulled her through the halls and into the garage where all of my personal vehicles were stored. I smirked as she stared, her big blue eyes glimmered as she took it all in. "You own all of these?" She asked slowly, and I shrugged. "Da." Ferraris, Lamborghini's, Audi's and so many more super cars lined the walls of my garage. I tapped my foot impatiently, "pick one." She turned back to me her eyes wide with surprise, "can I?" "I don't f*****g care, just hurry God damn, I'm hungry." She pointed at my Audi R8, and I almost smiled. My favorite car. "Get the f**k in." ------------------------------ Calla POV: The devil was a reckless driver. He was absolute s**t. It was almost as if he felt the rules of the road didn't apply to him. He blew through stop lights, crosswalks, he sped up when children were crossing. He was a f*****g lunatic. I squeezed my eyes shut, and twelve minutes of reckless driving passed. My head felt dizzy, and my hands shook as I felt the car slowing down. "You can open your eyes now, Suka." My eyes fluttered opened, and the Devil stared at me. I ignored his glare as I looked around, the lights of downtown flooded through my eyes. The lights burned though me as I stated at the beauty, and the freedom. I glanced back at the Devil to see if he would notice if I ran away. But f**k me dude, this man was loading a magnum revolver. He shoved the bullets into the magazine, and slid the loaded gun into his jacket pocket. As he turned to slide into his pocket, I glanced at a long stream of tattoos that coated his neck. The dark inked lines formed some sort of shape, but he moved and they became hidden by the collar of his jacket. "malen'kaya shlyukha, stop staring. It's f*****g rude." (Little whore.) Fucking son of Satan. I was about to yell at him when realization dawned on me. This satanic mother fucker can kill me, with so much ease. I better try not to piss off the leader of the Russian Mafia. He glanced at me, almost as if he expected me to tell at him. Nope. His icy eyes took me in, his slicked black hair was immaculate, any woman, p********e or not, would have their panties drop at the sight of him. But I knew what he really was, he was a murderer, asshole, d**k faced mother fucker, and he was the devil.
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