Chapter 7

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There wasn't anything inside, that I could see. Sinister's chair was unmanned, and I frowned as I saw the faded stain of blood to the side of the chair. caution flooded my mind. Suddenly a shadow came into view and I was attacked. Attacked is an overstatement. I was jumped on. My gun clattered to the floor as I was jumped on. My reflexes kicked in a second too late and I fell to the floor with the body of Calla throwing punches at me. Tears poured down her face and she was screaming Russian at me. "chertov d'yavol! pochemu ty grebanyy privel menya syuda! pochemu ty ne ubil menya!!!" (You f*****g devil! Why did you bring me here?! Why didn't you just kill me!!!) Her voice screeched through the halls and I ducked a punch she threw at me. I swung myself around and her light body flew off of me, her eyes were scared, trails of tears were flowing down her face. She ran at me again, screaming slurred Russian that even I couldn't understand. Her small fists flew at me and I played defense, Sinister would kill me if he knew I had damaged his goods. But this crazy b***h was getting on my nerves. I swung at her, fast, but not hard enough to cause damage, but she surprisingly ducked it. If I wasn't so f*****g confused, I might actually be impressed. She threw her tiny body at me again and I had never felt more confused. If this little girl wasn't Sinisters property, and not a virgin, I might have actually been tempted to f**k her. I don't know why her psychotic ass was turning me on. I saw her eyes glancing at the gun by my side and I decided to put an end to this before she decided she wanted to try to shoot me, just as she lunged for the gun, I grabbed her by the hips and threw her to the floor. The second she made another attempt to get up, I jumped on top of her, pinning her puny fists into the cement. I heard her knuckles c***k and I saw her fingers bleeding from the impact of the floor, but she didn't even seem to notice. Her eyes were bleeding tears. I pinned both her arms down with one hand and pulled a blade from my pocket. "Calla, calm the f**k down." I pressed the blade to her throat, but that didn't seem to snap her back to reality. "Afanas!" I heard my men yell and I glanced to the door way to see my men watching, their guns were drawn, awaiting to see if I needed backup. "Go. I have this under control." I glanced back to Calla, she was still crying, and it f*****g sucked. I didn't know how to get this b***h to snap back to reality. I considered kissing her, but the idea left my mind the second I saw Sinister standing next to us. But calla didn't notice, and she f****d herself ten times over the second she uttered a to Sinister. "on grebanyy ubil yeye, i yego moya vina..." (He f*****g killed her, and it's my fault) Her eyes fluttered shut and I felt her body go limp under me, I glanced at Sinister. His head c****d to the side, his eyes stared at her sleeping body. He was evaluating. He spoke minutes later. "She is Russian, da?" I nodded my head, He paused, and then nodded his head, "then many things need to be resolved. Get off her." I didn't hesitate. You do not refuse this man. I lifted myself off of her, and watched as Sinister scooped her up into his arms. He shook his head as he looked at her, "I need a joint." He began walking out and spoke once more. "I shot her w***e friend, and it was something that needed to happen." I didn't question his statement…you don't question sinister. CHAPTER 11 Have you ever had like the shittiest hangover ever? Like it feels like someone took a high class frying pan, and hit your head thirty times in a row? That's what I was feeling like right now. My eyes peeled open, the memories of what happened earlier were clouded. I frowned as I opened my eyes to see smoke, everywhere. I took in a breath, the smell of m*******a filled my nostrils. Snoop Dogg? I sat up, my head felt light as I looked around the room. My eyes focused on Him. That f*****g satanic murderer. He held his joint in his hand and stared at me. "ty govorish' po-russki?" He was so calm and calculated. (You speak Russian?) I frowned at him and pretended like I didn't understand. "I'm sorry? I don't understand." His lips twitched as he straightened his suite jacket. "Ne vri." (Don't lie) I shook my head again, "I, uh, I really don't understand." "Little one" he took a step towards me "I don't like it when I am lied to." I felt my heart begin to race. "shlyukha, gryaznyy shlyukha, suka...." (w***e, dirty slut, bitch...) I opened my mouth to tell him I didn't understand, when he said the one word I couldn't fathom. "Prostitutka." (p********e) I winced. That was all he needed. He glided across the room until he stood in front of the bed. I looked down, he couldn't hurt me more then I already knew he would. His hand gripped my chin as he forced me to look up, I glanced at the black ink that formed over his arms and neck, symbols and words were permanently drawn into his flesh. I flinched at the cold of the metal from his rings. "you tell no one, da?" His iced eyes stared at me, emotionless. I nodded in his hand. My eyes glanced down at the burning joint in his left hand as I shook. His eyes followed my gaze. He c****d his head as he lifted the joint to my lips, his other hand gripped my chin. Fuck it. I opened my mouth as he guided the joint to my lips. I took an 8 second hit and exhaled, the smoke surrounding us. The Devil watched me curiously as he took the joint to his own lips. What the friggin' f**k am I doing? He breathed the smoke into my face and I felt myself feeling light. "So you're from Russia?" I nodded my head and took another hit, "I moved here some years ago." "Zachem" (Why) Flashbacks of my old life threatened to surface but I pushed them away, I took another hit and shook my head at him. I could tell that bothered him, anyone could see his jaw tightening and his hands flexing at the mention of me not obeying his question. I went to take another hit when he pulled it out of my hands, my eyes going to his. I had almost gotten comfortable around this monster. He raised it to his lips and took a hit, his eyes never leaving mine. I had only gotten high once, and that was with Brie on her 19th birthday. Drugs weren't really my thing, but Brie had insisted that I "let loose". I wonder if she missed me, if she was going crazy that I was gone. Or if she even cared. "Tell me, suka. Do you know why I purchased you?" My mouth spoke before my mind could. "Sex." His eyes looked amused, his lips pulled up into an amused half-smile. "Well, obviously." He looked me over. "But I could get s*x from anyone. I bought you for another reason too. I need something pretty to stand next to me." What? "Blyad'. I'm too high for this." I shook my head.(f**k) "The Russian Mafia is all about stability, little girl. I have been a little too...reckless, lately. My advisers think it would...settle my men and women if I had a symbol of settlement." What. The. f**k. No. No f*****g way. "What the fuck..." I frowned at him, I'm so goddamn confused, "I thought you bought me to be your personal...whore." He smiled an evil smile, "that too, little one. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to f**k you, and I'm not going to go easy on you, my little virgin. But there are many other reasons. And guess what?" I raised my eyes to him "You don't have a f*****g choice." I felt my head spinning and panic filled my throat. His iced eyes glinted at me as his gaze trailed down my body. I crossed my arms over my chest and sat frozen on the bed. He backed up from my bed, an amused smile crossed his face as he turned on his heels. "We'll talk about it later, little girl. We're going out, I'll send in Afanas to make sure you don't...try anything." "I-I can get ready on my own." I stated as I shook. He stopped at the door and glanced at me, "it's either me or Afanas. If it's me, you won't be so pure at the end of the night." With that he slammed the door, and I began to shake. I glanced to my left and saw that he had left the joint... CHAPTER 12 Afanas POV I walked into her room grimly. I do not like being on f*****g babysitting duty. There are hundreds of men that could do this, but Sinister insists that its me that should f*****g do this. she sat on the bed, her eyes bloodshot, her face unmoving. Did that asshole get her stoned? She didn't even flinch when I walked over to her. She looked...baked. Her eyes were red and unmoving. Her body was stiff. She had an hour before Sinister was coming, she needed to f*****g sober up. Shit takes twice as long when you're high. This little b***h has probably never gotten stoned before. I stepped in front of her vision and I saw she was holding a finished joint. I pulled it out of her grasp and threw it out. Her eyes frowned at me. "Calla, you need to shower, teper'" (now) She looked up at me lazily, and held up her hands. Like she wanted me to f*****g carry her. "Suka, I'm not going to f*****g carry you. Get the f**k up." She frowned and tried to get up, but of course she f*****g couldn't. This girl is so small that she would be stoned in two hits. Sinister would be pissed the f**k off if she wasn't ready. Fuck it. I grabbed her by the hips and hoisted her into my arms like a child. Her chin rested on my shoulder and her legs wrapped around my waist as she clung to me. Fuck this. I carried her into the bathroom, and turned on the shower. I sat her down on the closed lid of the toilet seat. "Calla you need to get in the shower. It's going to be cold, but it'll help you sober up." she bit down on her lips and gave me a look that would make any man take her right then and there. I cursed under my breath and turned to leave when I heard her whine. I turned back to her and frowned. Her head nodded back and she began to fall of the seat. I ran to her side and held the b***h upright. Whatever Sinister gave her was stronger than weed. He was so f****d up. And so was she. Of course she wouldn't know that whatever he gave her wasn't weed, this kid has probably never even smoked weed before. "Help me." she whispered. What the actual hell. She tried to take off her halter top, and almost fell flat on her face with effort. She f*****g wanted me to f*****g undress her. If I undress her, then I'm not sure if I can not f**k her.
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