Chapter 4

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I flinched at his words and I felt his arms raise a little higher on my legs until they rested high on my thighs. I whimpered. I felt so f*****g useless. I couldn't do anything. All I could do was scream and protest. I could do absolutely nothing. "No. Boss would know." Was all Afanas said, in English almost as if he wanted me to know. He wanted me to know that he just prevented something terrible from happening. It was almost as if he was going to expect me to return this 'favor'. I was too busy trying to struggle free to care. We walked down a set of stairs, and turned into a darker, musty space. Probably a garage. They said I was going to be 'delivered'. I felt the creepy man letting go of my legs and Afanas caught my weight. He hoisted me up until he was carrying me in his arms. His hands gripped me in a bruising hold. I heard a car door open and suddenly I was tossed in, and the door was slammed behind me. The car started up, and I curled into a ball. I felt the kind of emotional pain inside of me that stings. The kind that you know, no matter what you do, it won't go away. It's the kind of sadness that hurts, I felt useless, and dead. As the car picked up speed, I felt myself accepting this terrifying fate. I am no longer the girl who escaped Russia where her family was killed. I am no longer the girl with the psychotic friends who weren't even real friends. I am no longer going to be a happy, innocent girl. I was going to make this... 'Velkov's' life hell. He paid over half a million dollars for me, if I'm not what he likes....he can fuckin suck it. I am not who I used to be. If I live through it, I will built a wall around the little humanity I have left. If I actually survive this, I will never be the same. If . Not when. Just 'if' If, is all I have left. CHAPTER 5 After an hour of driving, I felt someone leaning over me and taking off the bag that was over my head. Afanas sat, unsmiling, in the seat in front of me. Two-9-millimeter pistols were shoved into his jeans as it was the most casual thing in the world. I tried to look out the tinted window, but all I could see was shapes and outlines of the road as we drove. I turned my gaze to Afanas. He could have been incredibly good know, if he wasn't exactly who he was. Dark eyes and dark hair, with a tall, indestructible build. My eyes kept glancing to his tattoo. "You are a lie, and I am the truth..." I mumbled softly, repeating the Russian words his tattoo read. His eyes darted towards me, "what did you just say?" I leaned back in my seat stiffly, "n-nothing." He leaned forward, "it was f*****g something. What did you just say?" I shook my head, "it's just your t-tattoo." I motioned towards his neck. His hand went to his neck and he gently touched it. "It's in Russian. How did you know what it said?" I shook my head, FUCKFUCKFUCK. Why can't I EVER just keep my goddamn mouth f*****g shut? I opened my mouth, but no explanation came out. He sat forward and his face came close to mine. "Have you understood everything that we have been saying? Do you speak Russian?" There was absolutely no way out of this. "I..uh.." I couldn't find anything to say. "ty govorish' na russkom yazyke?" (Do you speak Russian?) My lip quivered and I nodded. He cursed under his breath. "You're not a spy, right?" He asked, his eyes were deadly. I shook my head, "no no no, I swear." "If you're a spy I will f*****g slit your throat right now. I'd be doing Velkov a favor." I let out a silent sob and lowered my head. "Hey, hey." He grabbed my chin, and I felt his nails cut into my skin. "You tell no one, okay? Do you f*****g hear me? They will kill you. If they find out, they'll think you're a spy, or someone sent to kill the boss." "W-why do you care?" I asked, and winced as I felt his nails dig into me. "I don't." He muttered as he pushed off of me, and my head hit into the window. "Y-You won't tell anyone?" I asked quietly. "Net. I won't." I swallowed down my tears, and I felt relief flooding through me. "You don't look like a New Yorker." He muttered, "you don't even f*****g talk like one. Work on your accent, when you cry, your Russian accent comes out, and stop crying. It's annoying as hell." I nodded and set my jaw to keep it from quivering. "Why are you even in America?" He asked. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, his hand brushing against his pistols. "A few years back. My parents were killed in a shooting, and I..." I shrugged "I needed to get away." He said nothing , no condolences, no questions. "Do you know the answer?" I asked "to the riddle" "Of course I f*****g do. Its permanently tattooed on my goddamn neck" he shook his head, his eyes still closed "do you?" I think I did, I was thinking about it a lot. "I think it's life and death. Life is a beautiful lie that everyone lives and chooses to believe, and death is the evil truth that people refuse accept. Death is the only truth in this world, and people live believing in life to cope with the raw truth of death." I shrugged. I didn't know if it was right, but it was the only thing that made sense. I looked back to Afanas to see his eyes open and staring at me. The second I looked at him, they closed, but the tips of his lips pointed ever so slightly up. An action that most people wouldn't notice. But I did, and this half-smile was enough to know I was right. ------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later the car fell to a stop, and the doors flew open. Afanas looked at me, an understanding fell between us, a secret. Men surrounded the car and I felt myself being pulled out. My heels hit the concrete and I felt myself stumble back. I hit into something hard, like a f*****g wall, and my heels slipped out from under me. I fell to the ground and stiffened when I looked at the shadow of the wall. Not a wall. A man. My hands shook and I slowly turned my head until I was looking into the eyes of Satan himself. CHAPTER 6 They say that the eyes are the mirrors to the soul. His soul was stone and dead. His eyes were steel and demonic. What was worse, was that he was terribly good looking, with dark slicked hair, and a towering height. He was built, but not too muscular, his presence screamed power. He looked like death, a dark and beautiful death. What was so scary, was how beautiful his darkness really was. He had an outline, pure definition, beautiful flawless skin. He stared at me, those dark murderous eyes. His expression remained still and silent. His jaw was set and he just stood towering above me. He wore a dark suit, his stance was tall and flawless and I felt myself shrinking away from his stare. "Get up." He said and took a step back. My hands shook as I struggled to stand up. I was scared out of my f*****g mind. I felt the tension in the room as I stood. I felt everyone's eyes on me. I met Afanas's indifferent eyes. He stood to the side of Satan, his hands folded behind his back. Satan remained staring at me, his gaze was unforgiving. I felt myself feeling the need to cower under his gaze. But I wouldn't. I promised myself I would make this man’s life a living hell, and he seemed like the kind of guy to take pleasure from another's fear. His eyes roamed my still body. I stood straight, trying my hardest not to cower under his stare. His head turned ever so slightly, as if motioning to something and suddenly the world was in motion. Afanas grabbed my arm and I was being led away from Satan, his eyes never left me. I felt the panic rise through me as I tried to pull out of Afanas's grip. His grip only tightened, his nails dug into my arm. He dragged me through the warehouse, my heels kept slipping on the cement. He pulled me down a hallway, I felt dread pooling inside of me. The halls were massive, with locked doors at every corner. Every other minute, gun shots erupted behind the locked doors. I didn't want to know what lay behind those doors. "W-Where are we going?" I asked. He glanced at me, "you need to get ready." I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what. Get ready for what? Just as I was about to ask, he spoke. "You should tell Velkov." "T-Tell him what?" Just the mention of his name made me tremble. "That you're Russian. Better tell him now before he finds out. And trust me, he will find out." He pulled me through what looked to be a garage door, and suddenly, we were in a house. It was massive, and dark looking. There were halls and doors surrounding all of the walls. Afanas was quick, he quickly pulled me through a side door that led to a confined stair case. "How do I tell him? Why do I tell him?" He tugged sharply on the hem of my dress motioning me to move up the stairs, but I'm obviously allergic to gravity or some s**t because I tripped. "What the f**k is your problem?" He hissed "These f*****g heels." I groaned as I tried to pull them off. "tupaya suka." He growled as he yanked me up and pulled me into his arms. (Dumb b***h) He swung me over his back and ran up the stairs two-at-a-time. "Don't call me that" I hissed "those heels are a bitch." I groaned as he threw me off his shoulder. Blood rushed to my head as I swung over his body as though I weighed nothing and suddenly I was on the ground of the next floor. He pulled my arm and dragged me down the carpeted halls. "You should tell him, because if you don't he'll kill you." He said icily "I don't care if you die, suka, but I care if you waste Velkovs money." He took a card from his pocket and swiped it on a door that clicked open. He pushed me inside, "get ready." He slammed the door. I felt the tears weld in my eyes, but I knew that this was my life now. Better make Velkovs life hell. I shook as I stood up. I tried blinking the burning tears away. I was shaking. The room was small, a bed, closet and a bathroom. A bag lay on the bed and I opened it. A short black skirt, and a small black halter top lay inside. What the f**k? OH yeah...they think I'm a p********e. I'm not. Fucking ducking mother trucker. I slid it on, not knowing how much time I had, and not wanting to make anyone in this hell hole mad. It clung to my body, my waist was exposed, and the skirt kept ridding up my ass. At least I have an ass. God bless Kendall Jenner. I walked into the bathroom and groaned as I saw my reflection.
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