Chapter 5

2013 Words
I really did look like a p********e. Heavy black makeup clung to my eyes, my lips were stained red. My hair was wild, like s*x hair minus the s*x. Woo! Go virgins! I looked tired, my eyes had shadows under them, my high cheek bones looked thinner. I found a cheap brush in a drawer and ran it though my hair. I fixed my makeup. I'm so f****d. I swallowed a breath. I know what I need to do. I will make his life hell. A shine in the corner of my vision caught my eye. I glanced at the shower head that looked like it might hurt if I smashed it on a certain Russians head. Bless. I walked over to the shower and thank Jesus I was wearing heels so I could reach the shower head. I began pulling and yanking but this f*****g shower head didn't want to f*****g cooperate. I slid my heel off, and balanced on one foot as I began smacking the metal of the tap. "f*****g" Smash "Cooperate" Smash smash smash "Be my b***h shower head." Smack The shower head suddenly broke off and I grinned. Me has a weapon. I walked back into the room clutching the shower head like my life depended on it when suddenly the door flew open. Afanas stood staring at me, his face unamused as he glared at me. "The f**k are you doing, suka?" I held the metal in between us. My legs shook as he stared at me. "I-I'm not sure." He stepped towards me. "Perestan', please." (Stop) He took another step. "You think this is some kind of joke, suka? You think you can make it out of this? You f*****g can't." Debbie downer. Fuck you Debbie. I felt panic rising through my throat as he took another step towards me, my eyes flashed to the glint of a pistol hanging from the inside of his suit. In a second his hands ripped the metal of the shower head away from me and his grip seized my arm. "Be careful little angel. You're in a world of Devils." CHAPTER 7 I felt panic flowing through me like water, I took in a breath....and I drowned. Afanas walked with a grim look on his face, his words were still fresh in my mind. You won't make it out of this. Fuck this guys lack of optimism. I pulled on his grip and he yanked me back like I was a puppy on a leash. Woof. He tugged me down the steps, his fingers digging into the skin on my arm. I need to escape. Every step we took, I felt like I was getting closer and closer to death. YOLO b***h. The second we turned a corner, I pulled out of his arms and ran. Yes, this would be my second attempt at running away from the mafia men. attempt, yes. Was I successful? No. I got caught, but obviously I would, I can't even walk up the stairs without falling on my face, how did I think I could make it out of a mafia house? Still, effort is always great! I ran down whatever hall he didn't walk down, and I heard him colorfully cursing as he began chasing me. My legs were moving surprisingly fast...for a gazelle. Sadly, the mafia men were f*****g lions. I turned down another corner, Afanas was following somewhat close behind and I slammed into the body of two f*****g huge men. Everything moved in fast motion. I was lifted by one of the men who smelled like body odor and weed, his eyes were cruel as he slammed me against the wall My head throbbed as he pressed himself close to me. "What do we have here?" I felt his free hand slip under the flimsy fabric of the skirt and work his way up my thigh, I whimpered and struggled against his hulk arms. "Sexy little w***e?" His friend piped up as he pressed himself into me. I went f*****g ballistic. My arms flailed and I started screaming hysterically. My legs kicked and bucked as I acted like a spider on cocaine. "Hold her" B.O (body odor) man said to his friend as he began unbuckling his pants. I refused to cry, but that didn't stop my screaming. "Shut her the f**k up." A hand slapped into my mouth and I swallowed the stinging pain that etched my face. B.O's friend gripped my ass with his hands as he began kissing a trail down my neck. I whimpered again, and let out muffled screams, but was to no avail. Just as B.O began sliding my panties down my legs, a loud bang interrupted, and three shots were fired. B.O and his friend immediately dropped me and I fell to the floor in a heap of shame and almost-tears. I looked up, expecting to see Afanas, but my eyes looked into the Devil himself. My face burned as he glanced at me, but his gaze settled on B.O. "Vince, explain the situation." His voice was calculated, cool, and earth shattering. I felt myself cowering as I buried my head in my sleeve. The thought of being r***d made me want to cower and cry in embarrassment. I'm weak. "We were just going to have a some fun with the little slut...boss, I didn't know you liked 'em young." Bang. Tears now flowed freely down my cheeks as I saw the body of Vince, fall to the floor. The metallic smell of blood stung my nostrils and I buried my face into my arms. The devil turned his attention to Vince's friend. "You know I don't tolerate used goods. Get the f**k out before I kill you, you worthless piece of shit." His friend struggled to his feet, "yes sir." He glanced at me once, his eyes bled a threat as he retreated down the hall. The Devils attention then focused on me. My hands shook as I stole a glance, and immediately regretted it. His iced eyes were staring at mine, emotionless. He glanced to my side and I saw Afanas standing there. He avoided eye contact, and just looked at the Devil. "Get this s**t taken care of, clean her up and take her to the others." His voice was like a knife cutting through me. His accent was smooth like silk. "sm k nemu lichno." He growled before storming off. (See to it personally.) I felt Afanas's ice hands grip my waist as he hoisted me up. My legs and hands shook as we began walking. "You're here an hour and you already get one of our men killed." I bit down on my lip, "I should have just let them r**e me, sorry." He growled and tightened his bruising grip. "No, sinister payed a lot of money for you. Like he said, he doesn't want damaged goods." Oh that's right. I'm not a person, I'm f*****g property. Like a dildo. Except a dildo can actually get some. I make zero sense, I'm just so f****d up right now. There's no point in trying to prove my innocence to being a p********e, because that's all I'll ever be to these s**t head Satan worshippers. My name is Calla Levkin, and my life is more f****d than any 2009 Disney Chanel stars. I guess I really am just a p********e. CHAPTER 8 Fear is described as being afraid of someone or something that is likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening. Yeah, I felt some high class fear at the moment. Afanas dragged me down the hall, two men walked next to us. Apparently I was a 'runner' and I was 'not to be trusted'. Yeah, pretty much. I swallowed down a whimper as we stopped outside a door, my chest heaved and I trembled. Bodyguards stood outside the door. They were huge. Their faces looked dead as they opened the door for us. Inside was not what I thought it would be. The room was massive, and dark. A large thrown looking seat was in the center of the room, men upon men crowded into the room, their faces grim and scary. Many of the men appeared to be smoking weed, the smell consumed and dominated my nostrils, making my head spin. It was a crowd of tattoos, guns, and drugs. I swallowed down another gasp of terror and saw their eyes on me. At least a dozen men. A dozen faces staring at me. I heaved as Afanas walked me to a group of girls. Their faces were caked in makeup, their bodies shoved into flimsy fabric. You are not better than this. Don't try to be better than this The woman's words from earlier rang in my ears. I shoved down all my tears and fears as Afanas shoved me next to the line of women. "vesti sebya." He growled in my ear. (Behave.) His iced hands released me, and he walked away from me. I stood next to a blonde girl, her face was caked with dark makeup, her light green eyes were watery with tears. She looked young. And I felt my heart breaking apart as she glanced at me. Her eyes were dead. They looked hopeless and broken. Like she had lost everything that ever mattered in her life. She looked lifeless. "What's your name?" I asked softly as I glanced around the room. The throne that sat in the center remained unattended, the men that surrounded the room stared. "I-Ingrid." She stuttered, her lips were cracked, dark lipstick covered the damaged skin. "I'm Calla." I said softly. She shook. Her body moved slightly towards me, and I felt myself wanting to comfort her. Something, anything. I was so at a loss. I was losing, and I couldn't do anything about it. I glanced around her trembling frame, there were about seven other girls that stood. They all looked frightened, their eyes were glimmering with tears. "How long have you been here?" I asked quietly. Her eyes flickered to mine and looked around nervously, as if she was afraid of getting caught. "A c-couple of days...m-more than others." I nodded. "I just got here. How much did he pay for you?" I know I was interrogating the poor girl, but I needed to know something, anything. I needed to know why I was here, why I was purchased. "Who?" Her voice was hushed. "Sinister." She stiffened next to me. Her eyes went wide. "H-He didn't buy me...he doesn't buy a-anyone. I was..." She glanced around again "I was taken, a-and now I'm h-here...not many girls g-go to auctions." I went to auctions. Dread pooled through me. What the s**t f**k does that even mean? "Did he buy you?" Her voice held a touch of concern. I nodded. She was about to say something else when the doors to the room suddenly slammed open, and the Devil himself walked in. He didn't look to any of us, his eyes focused on the center of the room as he glided in. His stance was confident, his eyes were steel, and his face was cold. His stance screamed power, his eyes begged gore. I was scared as mother f*****g s**t. The men straightened as he walked past, their eyes showed respect. He sat in his seat at the front, and time seemed to freeze. Afanas walked into the room, followed by two other men. They walked to where sinister sat, and stood by his side. They spoke in a hushed tone, and I cowered by Ingrid's side. "Alsehk" the Devils voice suddenly boomed. I flinched at his tone and stared as a man approached the front of the room. He looked young, in his early twenties, he had a nice face, tan with light curls in his hair. His eyes looked around nervously as he approached the center. Sinister glared at him, his stone cold eyes were cool and calculated as he spoke.
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