
1679 Words
Shi Lang wasn’t thinking things through. He missed a couple of details. Is he really so infatuated with Run Yu that he’s taking risks he otherwise wouldn’t? They are back at the site where Run Yu left his brother in a couple of minutes thanks to his speed. But Shang Yi is not alone anymore. The strange sounds that they heard halfway are sounds of a fight. The enemy scouts have spotted Shang Yi and thought they had a chance because he was alone. Even fighting them off with a hunting knife and his bow, Shang Yi can stand his ground, but for how long. There are signs of fatigue all over his body. His moves are not fluent anymore. “Here,” Shi Lang gives his own sword to Run Yu. Another first. He has never let anyone even hold his sword, yet alone use it. “Thank you,” Run Yu nods and storms into the melee to save his brother. Shi Lang doesn’t think much of the situation. It’s clear that the enemy is more used to fighting on rough terrain. But he has the advantage of being a few steps away. And the fools are solely concentrating on the brothers. They seem to know them, even with the disguise. Shi Lang conjures up his bow again. The arrows are the best way of disposing of the enemy without giving anything away. Even if they are found, even if they are recognised, no one will tie them to General Shang’s army. His arrows are unique in design and unmarked. He shoots carefully. Each shot must count. Taking the enemy out one by one, he creates a better chance for Run Yu. He can’t see Shang Yi anymore. Was he hurt? He’s not considering the younger Shang as his disciple, but he could have been. That kid has potential for greatness. It would be a shame to let him die. He shoots the last of the six enemy scouts. They all have defensive wounds, but the killing blow was dealt with his bow and arrows. Run Yu still has Shi Lang’s sword in his hand when he runs to his brother. Shang Yi is lying there motionless, with blood all over him. Shi Lang can see him now because he changed his position for the last shot. He lets his bow and quiver dissolve, but he can’t take the sword back as long as Run Yu is holding it. “Shang Yi! Yi-er! Wake up!” Run Yu’s shouts move Shi Lang’s heart. The brothers have a tight bond as it seems. Worry has just been replaced by fear. “Was he hurt somewhere?” He asks, gently. It makes all the difference if he was just knocked out, or seriously injured. The blood might not be his after all. “I don’t know,” Run Yu says. “I can’t see any major wounds, just cuts. Save him, please.” “Let me see,” Shi Lang gently nudges Run Yu to the side. His medical skills are seriously lacking, but he does have a few tricks up his sleeves. He takes Shang Yi’s wrist in his hand to feel his pulse. The guy seems to be unconscious, but why? “Shi Lang? Please save him,” Run Yu pleads again. “I’ll do anything. I’ll be your slave for the rest of my life, just save my brother.” “You don’t have to promise me anything. I know you care for him,” Shi Lang says. He is trying to find the cause and reassure his lover at the same time. “Killing people is much easier than saving them, but I will do my best.” “Why did you shoot the scouts? Even the ones I could have killed by sword?” Run Yu wants to know. Distracting him while he tries to save his brother? Has Run Yu figured out his secret so soon? All his senses work better when he’s thinking about trivia. “So that they can’t connect their deaths with you. My arrows are special. Nobody else uses the same kind,” Shi Lang answers. He found the cause. A huge lump at the side of Shang Yi’s head. Some of the cuts are worrisome too. They are too deep. “He will need treatment beyond my skills.” “Would riding on a horse make his condition worse?” Run Yu asks. “No. But we have to wake him up,” Shi Lang answers. He sends a bit of his energy through Shang Yi’s body. Then he applies his special ointment to the cuts. It will stop the bleeding for now. “I’m awake, you can stop petting me. I’m not a dog,” Shang Yi grunts. “In a minute,” Shi Lang chuckles. He’s still applying the ointment on various cuts. “Tell me what hurts.” “Everything,” Shang Yi answers. “But mostly my head.” “Try to stand up,” Shi Lang orders. He watches him carefully. But Run Yu is there, ready to catch him if he falls. “You’re lucky you have a hard head,” Run Yu scoffs. He is trying to mask his concern with sarcasm. “You mean I’m lucky that you have such a good friend?” Shang Yi teases his brother. “Can you ride on your own? We have to get back to camp and get you checked up,” General Shang’s tough side shines through. Even Shi Lang noticed the difference. No matter how his lover is dressed, that tone belongs to the General. “We can’t leave the deer behind. Not after all this trouble,” Shang Yi points to the three fallen deer on the ground. “I’ll take them,” Shi Lang answers. He opens his pouch to collect the game. It would be a shame to pass them up. It takes them some time to get back to the horses. Shang Yi can’t walk on his own, so Run Yu is helping him. Since he woke up, he doesn’t let Shi Lang touch him. Not even to help him walk. Pride is a huge obstacle sometimes, but he will let it slide this time. The boy has to learn when to be prideful, and when it’s a hindrance that one must let go for the greater good. They ride back in silence. Looking out for more enemy scouts. Shi Lang doesn’t know what this particular war is about, but he knows which side he would pick if he was forced to. “Stop,” Shi Lang tells them before they reach the last bend. They will be seen from the watchtower as soon as they round the boulders. “What’s wrong?” Run Yu inquires. His worried expression has not mellowed. “I hate to give myself away, but I’m also not comfortable putting too much weight on the horses,” Shi Lang sighs. “We have to do something about the deer in my magic pouch.” “It’s not far now. I can walk the rest of the way,” Run Yu nods. “Let’s strap them to two horses and just put one behind Shang Yi.” “What the hell are you that you’re so mysterious about? Are you not supposed to have a magical pouch? You are not a cultivator, are you? I saw you shoot your bow. That is not something I have ever seen.” Shang Yi fires the questions while Shi Lang transfers the deer to two of their horses. “Stop asking,” Run Yu warns his brother. “Shi Lang? Please ignore him.” “Give me back my sword,” Shi Lang extends his arm out. Run Yu hasn’t let go of the sword even when riding. “Shi Lang! No!” Run Yu protests. “Did you save his life just to kill him now?” “I’m not going to kill him,” Shi Lang sighs. “There is something he needs to see. I can’t do that as long as you are in possession of my sword.” “Oh,” Run Yu hangs his head. He is still worried, though. “Look at the inscription,” Shi Lang takes his sword over to Shang Yi. There is a name etched into the guard of the sword. “Do you recognise the name of my sword? My own name might not be well known, but my sword is kind of famous in martial arts circles.” “Shi Longyuan,” Shang Yi reads out loud. He takes a deep breath, and stares at Shi Lang with wide round eyes. “Oh, damn.” “What? I remember hearing that name, or reading about it. Shang Yi? What is it?” Run Yu comes closer, still holding the reins of the horses. “This sword belongs to a legend,” Shang Yi whispers. “I didn’t make a connection with the name, because it is said in the books that the Dragon Lord is an old man. And there is no accurate drawing of the sword itself, just descriptions.” “Those books are wrong,” Shi Lang chuckles. “And I remember it’s written that I’m old, not that I look old. Unless there is a book out there that I missed?” “You really are the Dragon Lord, Shi Lang?” Shang Yi asks. “Yes,” Shi Lang nods. “You could have made the connection if you were looking. I gave your brother my dragon pendant. I told you my real name. I always dress in red. And you have seen my sword before… Keep it a secret, though.” “Who can I tell? No one will ever believe I took lessons from the great Dragon Lord, Shi Lang,” Shang Yi chuckles. He promptly blanches and holds his hand over his chest. The ointment has stopped his bleeding, but it doesn’t do anything for the pain.
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