
1679 Words
General Shang comes running up to them over the arena. Someone must have told him about the fight. There is worry on the man’s face. But, worry for whom? Shi Lang waits for him to get close enough, before he makes any speculations. His lover knows he can take care of himself. Doesn’t he trust him that he won’t hurt his little brother? They haven’t talked about it in detail, but Shi Lang has told him that he’s ready to take the little hothead down a few pegs. It might take some time to do it. And time is all they have. They are stuck here between the river and the cliff. At an impasse with the enemy army. “Shang Yi! I told you to stay away from him!” General Shang yells. “Did you get hurt?” “Only my pride,” Shang Yi answers sincerely. “He really is a great fighter.” “The scouts have returned. There are tracks of deer passing through,” General Shang tells them. “None of the enemy, though. They seem to stay put. We can see their guards patrolling, but they don’t cross the river.” “Are we going hunting?” Shang Yi asks. “We haven’t had any meat to eat in days.” “Yes. But I don’t plan on taking any soldiers along. The less of us out there, the better,” General Shang nods. “Shi Lang? Are you coming with me?” “Sure. Anything to alleviate my boredom,” Shi Lang smiles at his lover. They have a very comfortable relationship going on. “Is that why you picked a fight with my brother?” The General nudges him. There is a subtle amusement in the man’s voice. He’s not angry. That is all that matters. “Don’t blame it all on me. I might be bored out of my mind here, but I would never purposefully pick a fight,” Shi Lang says. He falls back on his loftiness. Every time something might have been blamed on him, he did this. It always worked in the past. “That won’t work with me,” General Shang laughs. “I have heard just about every excuse there is. You might have not instigated it, but I know the way you speak. You certainly made Shang Yi fall for your tricks.” “He did,” the younger Shang suddenly takes his brother’s side. They might not see eye to eye on many things, but they are loyal to each other. “I might have,” Shi Lang bows. He will never admit it, though. “But you’re not really angry.” “I’m not,” General Shang sighs. “Get changed. Plain clothes, so we don’t get noticed. Get some bows and arrows, too. Then, meet me at the gate. I’ll get some horses.” “Do you have any plain clothes?” Shang Yi asks. “I’m wearing them, you’re the one in uniform,” Shi Lang chuckles. “What my brother ment was plain clothes like the ones farmers might wear,” Shang Yi tells him. “My set might fit you. I’ll just remove the armour and tie another sash to change my appearance.” “I don’t think so,” Shi Lang shakes his head. He waits for them to enter a tent that is half the size of the General’s tent. The younger brother might hold some rank and serve as an advisor, but he doesn’t get to have a whole tent for himself. It’s clear that there are two people living here. His idea won’t do at all. It’s evident that Shang Yi comes from the upper class with the robes he’s left with when he removes the armour parts. “You change your clothes, I can manage my own.” “You will stand out too much with those red robes,” Shang Yi scoffs. “We can’t afford to get seen by the enemy patrol.” “We won’t be seen,” Shi Lang chuckles. He thinks about all his clothes back home. There must be something that is appropriate for hunting. Something that does not stand out too much. How about that training gear? It’s black, with tight sleeves that are fastened with leather arm guards, and the outer robe is more like a leather vest that reaches the ground. He already wears dark red pants an black boots. It’s perfect for the occasion. Shi Lang snaps his fingers and all his clothes change to what he envisioned. “Woah! Magic!” Shang Yi exclaims. The boy is clearly surprised. “Yes. But, you haven’t earned the right to ask me questions,” Shi Lang nods. “Let’s not keep the General waiting.” Shang Run Yu got them horses without any army markings. Shi Lang thinks they might be work horses. The bows Shang Yi picked are good, but not entirely to his liking. He’ll just use his own. If they can find the elusive deer herd. They have been silently tracking the marks left behind for some time now. Not one deer in sight. It’s their luck that the herd went in the opposite direction from the enemy encampment, but the terrain is rough and they soon have to leave the horses tied in a grove. The two brothers are a good team. They don’t make any noise in the woods, and even use hand signals to communicate. Shi Lang waves to his lover before he takes off. Using the treetops to scout might give some results. A small meadow comes up, nestled between trees and rocks. The terrain is hard for humans, but not for wildlife. The deer are grazing with no care in the world. Shi Lang smiles. They found a small herd, but it’s food for the army at least for a day. He conjures up his bow and quiver. Made of light metal, the bow shines in the sunlight. He has to be fast before he’s noticed. Nook and shoot in a fast procession, he takes down a few deer before the rest panic and run. He can hear dropping bodies from the forest. The deers were misfortunate to run in the direction of his companions. He flies down to the meadow to collect the ones he shot. Being a magical creature is helpful, but there is the matter of Shang Yi to think of. Shi Lang is not quite willing to explain to him what he really is. A magical pouch could do the trick. All the major cultivator clans have them, it would not raise suspicion if he has one too. He guts the deer and leaves the insides for the wolves. There are bound to be some around here. He’s on his fourth deer when he hears sounds coming from behind the trees. Friend or foe? Human or not? Wolves are not known to make sounds, and it’s not their time of day. “I thought you might need some help?” Shang Run Yu chuckles. “I was right. Don’t you think that is overkill? We can’t possibly get all these back to camp.” “Don’t underestimate me,” Shi Lang shakes his head. “I wouldn’t have killed them all, if I didn't have a way of getting them back.” “Oh! Magic,” the response is equal part wonder and joy. He can never get tired of Run Yu. His reactions are unexpected, sometimes childish, but more often he just takes everything Shi Lang does in stride. If he’s not careful, he might fall for this human. Shi Lang wipes the blood off of his hands. Then he takes his magical pouch from his sleeve pocket. Hopefully it won’t get stained with blood, but it’s the only way of getting their catch back to the camp. A swipe of his hand, and all the deer vanish from sight. Run Yu looks at him with wonder in his dark eyes. The man is tempting, dressed so casually. Shi Lang longs for a taste. At least a kiss or two to tide him over till nightfall. He has to think of Run Yu’s reputation. From the rumours he has heard, everyone knows that their General is into boys, but they don’t have to see it. Run Yu is not one to flaunt his relationships. He never said anything publicly about them. “May I get a kiss?” Shi Lang walks closer to his lover. “Mhm,” Run Yu nods. He’s suddenly all over him. Not just kissing. His hands untie the sash of Shi Lang’s robes. The sudden roughness is a turn on. He finds himself leaning against a tree, half undressed. Run Yu slides down his body, kissing every part of his skin as he goes. Then he takes Shi Lang’s c**k into his mouth. The switch from rough to gentle is a surprise. Keeping quiet is hard, but it only adds to the tension. Drawing attention is not in his best interest right now. He lets himself go, and comes right into Run Yu’s mouth. His mortification vanishes the way it came when he sees the radiant smile on his lover’s face. “We have to hurry. I left my brother with the ones we caught,” Run Yu winks at him. The playful side of the General doesn’t get seen very often. “Too bad, I had plans with you,” Shi Lang smiles back. But he does understand that they are courting with danger out here. “Come on,” Run Yu beckons at him. “I have a better idea,” Shi Lang tells him. “Let me carry you. We’ll be faster that way.” “Do you want to be seen? I know you haven’t told Yi what you are,” Run Yu sounds concerned for him. So sweet. “I can stay human and still run faster than you. Carrying you doesn’t make any difference,” Shi Lang chuckles.
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