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BENEDETTA'S POV : I was looking at my lovely daughter sleep. "She will grow up to be a strong woman with a happy home, hopefully", I didn't realize I said that out loud until my daughter caught my attention. "Mom were you talking about me?" she asked And I nodded with a smile. But she looked worried so I decided to ask her what was wrong. "Sweetie is there something wrong?, why are you looking sad?, are you hungry?"...I didn't get to finish asking my questions when she interrupted me. "Mom one question at a time, how will I answer the first question if you don't let me speak". I laughed a little and apologized for bombarding her with questions. "So what's making my little princess sad?" I asked patting her long brown hair "Mom why are you pretending like dad didn't leave us yesterday, you know I can see the pain in your eyes even if u try realllllllllly hard to hide it", she said extending her little hands from one end to another. I didn't know what to tell my daughter. she was still so little, how could I tell her that her father was forced to marry me, he was only with me because his parents chose me for him, he never loved me even after 8 years of marriage, I tried so hard for him to love me but he hated me more and more everyday. And now he has finally left me, what will I and my daughter do now. Maybe I should try looking for him to beg him to come back. I had no idea things would turn out this way. But I have a feeling there is a motive behind him leaving the house, I mean isn't it strange that he decided to leave after 8 years, deep down I know he isn't coming back, I will have to take care of my daughter alone and try to give her both fatherly and motherly love together "mom, mom ,mom ,mom!!!!" Serafina shouted. I jolted up immediately. "Mom I have been calling you since, were u thinking of something?" "No my darling, I was just. "mom are you lying?" Serafina asked "My little princess it's time to have your bath and eat breakfast, I said, completely ignoring her question. After what felt like forever Serafina finally came out from the bathroom. "Why did you take so long?" I said pretending to be angry. "Mom I am now a big girl so I need to take a lot of time in the bathroom" Serafina said smiling. "I still don't agree with you bathing all by yourself, you are just 7 years old, you still need assistance so you won't have a bad odor", I said reaching down to grab her cheeks. Serafina frowned and ran to the dining table. "Slow down sweetie, you might fall" I said while trying to catch up with her. "Mom so what are we having for breakfast together" Serafina said while breathing heavily. "We are having bruschetta for breakfast" I said smiling because i knew it was her favorite food. Serafina couldn't contain her happiness as she clapped and danced at the dining. "sweetie that's enough now, it's time to eat", I said patting her hair. After what seemed like 30 minutes we were done eating. And I was unconsciously staring at the door hoping my husband would come back home. I sighed and told serafina that it was time for school. It was a Friday, I will just quickly drop her at school and come back home to rest, I said thoughtfully... ..."Bye sweetie, be a good girl okay?" "yes mom, love you, serafina tiptoed and gave me a peck on my cheeks. On my way home I could have sworn I felt someone watching me, but I just let it slide. "I am probably just overthinking things", I said with a low voice. When I got home I made sure I shut the doors tightly, looking at my wristwatch, Serafina won't be back until two pm so I should probably get some rest, but deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I was bothered about him. I let my thoughts take over me, and I didn't know when I fell asleep. Stretching my hands and yawning, I checked the time. "WHAT! 2:30?, serafina will be so angry at me. I was meant to go pick her up around two pm, trying to reach for my bag and an umbrella because it was raining outside. I rushed out and when I got to her school she was seating quietly in her class waiting for me". "Sweetie I am so sorry" I said with an apologetic look. "Mom it's fine, can we go now" Serafina said with a sad look. "I am sorry sweetie, I whispered while trying to carry her school bag". Serafina nodded and started walking out of the classroom. I followed behind thinking of ways to amend the wrong I had done to my sweet little girl. Meanwhile Serafina was busy thinking of ways to make her mom happy. "I know she was probably thinking that was why she forgot to pick me up from school, I really wish dad will just come back". "Sweetie go to your room and change your clothes I will prepare something for you to eat". "Okay mom, she said already on her way to her room. Some minutes later Serafina came out wearing a pink gown and her feathery slippers. She made her way to the dining and sat patiently. "She's too little to be going through all these things",I thought in my mind After serving her food, I watched her eat, I wasn't really hungry so I decided not to eat. We decided to watch Sofia The First, that was Serafina's best cartoon and she looked so happy singing along with them. I kept on thinking of ways to make up for not coming to pick her on time, so I decided to take her for a stroll when the rain stopped. After some few hours the rain finally stopped. It was 5:30, we would just stroll for thirty minutes and come back home "Serafina we are going for a stroll so go get your water bottle incase you get thirsty on the road. Her face immediately lit up and I was thankful she was happy about the stroll five minutes later we were on the road taking a stroll. Everywhere was so cold because of the rain that fell. I am glad I convinced Serafina to put on a jacket We strolled for what felt like fifteen minutes that's when I started noticing that someone was following us. "Serafina hold mummy tight okay?" "Mom is everything alright", she asked looking around. "I think we should go back sweetie", I said carrying her up. "Mom I am a big girl please put me down", she whined. "This isn't the time for that, when we get home I will put you down". "Home?, are we going home already?", she asked. "Yes, we are, I know I said 30mins and it's only been fifteen minutes, am sorry, we will take a stroll another day, I promise", I said crossing my fingers. She sighed and said okay. "It was a bad idea taking a stroll at this time of the day, I thought in my mind, I just need to get home safely with my daughter". At that moment I could hear sound of footsteps behind me and I knew for sure the person behind me was actually following me, I walked faster than before and all of a sudden a car stopped right in front of me, when I was about to pass it, the guy behind me hit me with a rod or probably a stick, all I could remember was Serafina shouting and calling out my name before everything went blank.
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