Welcome to The Pinewoods Pack

1965 Words

A black Dodge Ram was waiting for us as the plane landed and came to a stop. Koda got into the driver's seat after he buckled Lillyn into the passenger seat. Emily and Starla got in behind them. They drove, and the girls sang songs to Koda’s amusement. Lillyn was a little nervous being back in Texas. She didn’t know why. The Greenwoods pack was an hour from the Pinewoods Pack with a good stretch of land in between them. They were thirty minutes away when Koda slammed on the brakes, jolting everyone forward. Lillyn slammed back into her seat hard on the backward momentum. “Are you okay, baby?” Koda asked. “Yeah, those wolves have gray and black auras. That isn't good.” The four of them looked out the windshield. There were 8 wolves and 2 men standing in front of them. They al

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