The Goddess Works In Mysterious Ways

1640 Words

The wolf paced and waited for word from his scouts. He shifted to a man with greasy blonde hair. His light brown eyes, eyeing the men that sat around the bonfires while the female slaves served them. Scars riddled his body. The life of a rogue was not an easy one. He had gotten word three hours ago that a vehicle carrying three women was passing their territory and going towards the Pinewoods Pack. He wanted those women. Rogue women were scarce. His men and he needed females to populate the rogue camp and to serve them. He was determined to build the biggest rogue camp there ever was. He recruited daily. He wanted to start taking out the community packs. It wasn't fair that the life of a rogue was so hard. Some of them didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve this, just because

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