Chapter 10

363 Words

Chapter 16: Evie Evie stewed alone in her apartment. Horace had just cancelled movie night with a text. Again. Maybe she should get dressed, pretty herself up and go check out what was going on over there. What time was it? Eleven. Even if she dove right into a cold shower right now, she’d need at least an hour to get herself together. She pulled the tangles on her hair. Ugh, it was a mess. And then she needed at least half an hour to actually get there, which would leave her stranded in Kifisia after midnight with no way out. She could get a taxi home but it would be double-tariff, and she really, really couldn’t afford it right now. Thoughts buzzing through her mind she decided to start getting ready and stop wasting time. She could hit abort at any minute, she convinced herself. Ge

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