Chapter 5, Kanika:

3578 Words

Chapter 5, Kanika: Traveling over the cracks always took time. While on the Resolute, Kanika and the crew had developed a routine for passing the days and nights traveling between the cities. Back then, the fear of running aground outweighed the fear of stopping for the night. Even with the twin moons of Major and Minor out and about, the black rocks that made up the shards could sneak up on a ship and send it to the bottom. Death might come quicker than any pirate could take out a sleeping crew. With the southern wind pushing the black sails farther north with each passing day, the submerged hazards became secondary to the hell that could fall from the skies at any moment. The Phoenix had a new guest, the stranger from the south. He had been chained in one of the few remaining slave c

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