Club Elite 1

1290 Words
"You must be going mad Kade, I ain't never seen you pay for a woman's car before and believe me I've seen you do crazier stuff for women." Max teased smirking, he was dumbfounded when he heard Kade tell the seller at the auto shop that he'd take care of Grace's car bill. He had known Kade for close to ten years and they were best friends even though they fought almost constantly, they had the love-hate thing going on between them, he knew the woman Kade had paid for was Grace the newbie, little happened in downtown Boston that they were not aware of, especially if it had to do with businesses, she would soon have to start paying the pied-piper once her business became fully operational but he would leave that to Kade, perhaps she would not pay because if Kade's interest grew and he suspected it might, then there was no way Kade would let any of the gangs mess with her. "It's just a car," Kade shrugged, "there's nothing to it." "If you say so." Max raised his brow and scrunched up his nose at Kade showing him that he did not believe what he said. "Oh, whatever Max, I've got money to spend and I spent it so what." He spat out defensively. "Come on now, I didn't say nothing but how do you think the woman's going to react when she finds out?" "Oh s**t," Kade let out frustratedly "if I know her, she's probably headed over here with a shotgun in hand, damn stubborn woman." "Oh no," Max laughed, " if that's the case man then I better leave, don't want to be caught in the crossfire." He winked and went out of the room. "Seriously."Kade sighed and started pacing the length of his apartment simultaneously searching his brain for answers. What exactly had been wrong with him, anytime he neared Grace his brain all but short-circuit and he didn't think straight again. She had made it clear that she wasn't a damsel in distress and she didn't need his help then why had he paid for her car, he hadn't even bedded her for crying out loud, of course, he was attracted to her but he had been attracted to a great lot of women but none of them had made him do crazy things the way Grace had. Grace had just returned to the restaurant and she was feeling angrier than she'd been when she left the auto shop, she should have just gone straight to find Kade and give him a piece of her mind just as soon as she found out how to contact him. "Megan will you keep quiet a moment please," Grace asked politely, she had had enough of impoliteness for a day, she still could not believe that she had cussed in public, when she'd calmed down she'd been beyond mortified. Megan who was super excited had been drilling Grace for answers, answers which she could not provide because she couldn't think of why Kade would act like that with her, except if saving her had unleashed some psychotic protective bullshit in him, too bad for him he would just have to spend long hours in a shrinks office or she would file for a restraining order but she doubted she would be successful because Kade seemed to be the one who called the shots around here. "But Grace, Megan countered, "this is super exciting, can't you see it? It's like one of those romantic novels come alive like point-blank protector but with a gangster twist." "Only those novels don't involve an older woman with two kids who wants nothing to do with the hero." Grace spat out frustratedly. In less than eight months since she moved to Boston, she had managed to complicate her life, when all she wanted was the simple quiet life she'd hoped downtown Boston would offer. "Anyway, I'm about to remedy the situation." She thought before asking Megan where she could find Kade. There was only one place Kade could be once night fell and that was the most popular of his night clubs, Club Elite and anyone who knew anything in Boston like Megan, knew that and so when Grace had insisted that she wanted to chew Kade's head off, Megan had immediately led her there. It had been a long while since Grace had been to a night club, Megan had suggested that she lose the cashmere sweater that she had grown to love and that she loosen her bun, both of which she had been reluctant to do but she did them anyway seeing as Megan knew more about gaining entrance into a night club than she did. When they got to the club Grace had been appalled by the great number of people waiting in line. Luckily, Megan knew the bouncer and so they were given quick entry into the club. Inside the club, Grace was even more bewildered, it had an obscene decor, loud deafening music, the swarm of sweaty bodies either dancing on the dancefloor or pressed against each other on the wall of the club and bar's stored with a lot of alcohol. Megan pointed to a wall that was surprisingly guarded by two armed guards. "His office is behind that wall, he must be there." "It's a wall," Grace shouted wondering how Megan expected her to pass through a wall. "I know," Megan laughed, "it's a false wall, it opens like a door, it's for security I think." "Okay," Grace flushed embarrassed, "How do I get the guards to let me in?" She turned around and found out that Megan had left her to flirt with some guy. She smiled as she watched Megan escort the guy to the bar, she hoped she wouldn't have to drag a drunk woman out of the club, her smile faded as she fixed her eyes on the wall again, she'll just have to improvise when she got there. She covered her ears to reduce the sound of the music and waded through the crowd of bodies to get to the other side where the wall was. Kade was relaxing inside his office, he had just finished checking the books and was happy to note that his new accountant was honest, he wondered how long it would take for him to become dishonest, and try to steal from him like his last accountant did but he doubted that would happen because they all knew or were made aware of the consequences of stealing from him. "Boss we have a situation." His guard barged in disrupting his thoughts and relaxation. He would have shouted on his guard since they know not to interrupt him when he hasn't called for them but the sight of a woman shoving her way into his office short-circuited his brain. "Leave us." He thundered and the guard hurriedly went out and closed the door, he smirked at the woman before him thankful for the fact that his office was soundproof, maybe he would get to fulfil his fantasy today. His eyes raked her body and he noticed her breathing quicken slightly, she looked comfortable but sexy, her blouse hugged her curves nicely and they plundered into a V neckline that exposed creamy and full flesh, her tight jeans hugged her curves nicely and revealed the outline of shapely legs, he imagined what it would feel like to have those legs wrapped around his waist. His eyes swept up to her face and only then did he realise that she had been screaming at him, he barely managed to duck in time before her shoe came flying at him.
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