Club Elite 2

2155 Words
Getting into Kade's office was easier than Grace thought, she only had to scream nonstop at the guard before he opened the door. She pitied the man a bit, whenever she was screaming she was very difficult to reason with and the man looked white with fright, she saw him kiss the chain on his neck before pushing the door open, just before she slid past him into the office she heard the second guard hiss" I'd take a bullet over this woman's screams anytime." The office was larger than she expected and more furnished, several documents lay open on the large sturdy desk in the middle of the room, several canvas paintings decorated the four walls, the room smelled freshly painted, a chaise lounge lay at the far corner and the back of the room had double french doors covered with drapes which opened to a balcony. The sturdy desk was accompanied by a swivel desk chair and on it sat the man Grace wanted to pick a bone with. Grace swallowed a lump in her throat as she heard Kade tell the guard to leave them, her throat suddenly felt dry as she felt the effect of screaming at the guard, she took one look at Kade in his black leather jacket and it did not take a seer to know that she would have more screaming to do, she braced herself for the next bout of screaming and let out her frustrations for a good measure of time before she realised that Kade wasn't even listening to her. She studied his expression and followed his gaze, her breath quickened slightly and her body warmed as she found the location of his gaze, her cleavage which was left slightly exposed by the low cut neckline blouse she wore. She lost it and threw her shoe at him in a bitter attempt to garner his attention. Thankfully, the shoe managed to land safely without hurting anyone or anything but that was enough to bring Kade's attention to the angry woman in front of him. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Grace let out angrily. "I'm sorry," Kade cleared his throat and visibly tried to get kickstart his brain again, "I know why you're here, and you don't have to..........." "Oh, you have no idea," Grace interrupted angrily, "I have no time to waste, I came to tell you that I do not need your help and that it was very rude of you to have paid for my goods without informing me." "Grace," he started, furrowing his brows, "It was not my intention to be rude, I only wanted to help you because you are new in town and you're already spending so much as it is restoring the restaurant, you shouldn't have to incur more expenses." He finished studying Grace's expression that had hardened. "This is because you saved me right?", She felt the urge to retch, "This is some psychotic s**t right, you feel the sudden urge to protect me now, don't you?" She asked and pressed her hand to her middle suddenly feeling queazy. "Calm down Grace." He said and gestured for her to take a sit when he saw that she was not moving, he pressed on "I am not a stalker or a psychopath Grace, I am just feeling charitable and yes, maybe am feeling a bit protective because of that incident but if you had a car then you wouldn't have to wait outside at night for a cab." "I know, that's why I went to the auto shop in the first place." Grace saw that the conversation was not going according to her plan but if he was not a psychopath, not that psychopaths go around telling people that they are one, then why was he doing this. A million thoughts were running through her head, what if he started stalking her, she was not one to be paranoid but she couldn't understand why Kade would want to help her when she wasn't making him money and then a thought hit her so suddenly that she gasped loudly. "You are entreating me because you want to use my restaurant for your illegal activities." "What the f**k," Kade stood up angrily, "Look lady incase you haven't realized, this is my city, if I wanted to get something done I wouldn't need to use your restaurant, and your prejudice towards me because of my appearance is alarming." Grace suddenly felt guilty, she didn't want anyone to think she harboured prejudices against people regardless of who they are or what they did. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I just can't seem to wrap my head around why you want to help me." Kade felt weird, he had never had to deal with this situation in his life before, everyone wanted something from him and they were all too happy to collect it from him but Grace was different, she didn't want anything from him and somehow that made him want to give her everything, he didn't even understand why he felt this strong pull towards Grace. He studied her subtly because she was glaring at him and he didn't want her to throw her other shoe at him. She was attractive with thick blonde hair that she usually kept in a bun but she'd let it down tonight, pale hazel eyes that seem to sparkle anytime she was angry and overall a great and sexy body shape with all the curves in the right places that were hidden under comfortable clothing, but he'd met sexier women and even bedded them but he had never felt so strong a pull towards anyone of them. "I don't understand it too." He finally admitted staring intently at her. "W-well," Grace stammered taken aback by his admission, "Maybe you need to see a shrink but in the main time I came to pay you back for the car." She stretched a cheque towards him. Kade smiled at the flustered woman a few feet away from him and he crossed the distance to her in a few steps. "I am too f****d up for a shrink Grace." He whispered in her ear. Grace shivered slightly, but it had nothing to do with the cold, Kade's warm breath against her skin had her body responding in ways she'd rather it not. Kade smirked retracting the cheque from her hands purposely brushing his fingers against hers. "Well Grace, our business is done, why don't we head out to the club and get some drinks." He chuckled when he realised that Grace was in a trance-like state. "Ah, yes." She blushed bright pink, she had started undressing Kade in her mind as soon as his fingers brushed hers, she did not understand the emotions she felt towards this young man, before heading over here, she felt like she could murder him but once he whispered in her ear and his fingers brushed hers, she felt on fire with the rush of warmth to her body. He was everything her mother thought her to avoid, a bad boy with obvious tattoos and a serial womaniser, her mother would die if she even knew that Grace was in a club and about to have drinks with Kade. She wasn't even listening when he spoke earlier, she was so distracted by her fantasy that she accepted on an impulse. When she turned to go out, she realised that she was missing a shoe when she turned back to him, she saw him grinning. "Looking for this?" He asked stretching her shoe towards her, she quickly took the shoe, murmured her thanks and hastily wore it to hide her embarrassment, Kade made her do crazy things that she'd never thought she'd ever do, like cussing loudly in public and throwing a shoe. God her mother would kill herself. As they made their way to the bar, she was glad that he had collected the money and she hoped that he wouldn't ever try to help her in that sense again. She looked around, helplessly trying to find Megan who she guessed was probably drunk. Kade turned to look at the woman beside him, she was not short but compared to his six-foot-three inches frame, she looked petite. He knew she was fighting the same demons as he because he was no stranger to a woman's body, he felt her shiver and her body response when he whispered in her ear. Normally, he would have proposed an affair to get the lust and attraction out of their systems but there was nothing normal about his attraction towards Grace, somehow Grace was not one of those women he was all too glad to quickly dispose of, she felt like the kind of woman a man would love to get to know and he wanted to alright, ever since he met her, those hazel eyes intrigued and captivated him and he wanted to get to know her, body, mind and soul, he wanted to find out what made her tick. "Looking for someone?" He asked nudging her slightly with his elbow when he noticed her looking around. "Yes actually," she replied, her accent pronounced, "I came here with a friend, Megan, she's probably s**t faced already." "I didn't think you cussed Grace." He teased "Well, do not tell my mother." She teased him back causing both of them to laugh loudly. "No, I will not." He laughed again "Thank you, because she would be very disappointed." They made their way to the bar and to Grace's surprise, everyone vacated the bar for them. "People are really terrified of you." She commented. "Or maybe they noticed the scene you created with my guards and are afraid of you." He countered. "They left me no choice, I politely asked for an audience with you but they wouldn't grant it." She pouted childishly. "I apologize on their behalf then, but in their defence, they didn't know we were acquainted." He laughed. "But seriously," she turned serious, "is it true all the rumours I've heard about you?" Kade ignored her question and ordered for two drinks, he passed one to her and said "Cheers." Clinking their glasses together. Grace smiled slightly, she knew that he had deflected her question but she decided to let it go for now. "What's this?" She asked, stirring the drink in the glass. "It's called s*x on the beach." He answered amused by the expression on her face. "It's called what?" She was surprised, she knew her wines pretty well and regular cocktail drinks like Martini and Margaritas courtesy of John but she knew no more. "Drink it Grace, and you'll know why it's called that." He said as if he knew what her next question would be. She sipped the drink with the straw, swirling the liquid in her mouth to capture the taste and then swallowed it. "I never told you my name, yet you use it so often." Before Kade could reply, a drunk Megan came screaming at them, Grace laughed and then asked Kade to help carry her to her car. Kade tried to steady her but she kept wriggling and uttering unintelligible words. "She throws up on me and am done." He said strictly, this was not something that he usually would not have done, but when it came to Grace, whenever had he done anything normal, he had been close to drawing her close to him and kissing the living daylights out of her when she was tasting her drink, damn woman aroused him so easily, even when she wasn't trying and he doubted she knew the kind of power she wielded. He smiled as Grace walked around to open the passenger seat of her new car, she bent over to remove something from the seat and heat gathered below his navel, she had a perfectly shaped derriere, the jeans appeared to hug her behind more tightly as she bent over and just for a second, he considered dropping Megan on the sidewalk and fulfilling his fantasy with Grace right there bent over her car but he caught himself, Grace was not that type of woman, she'd probably slap him if he told her what he'd been imagining. She straightened up and he grunted loudly, she mistook the sound for distress and cleared the way for him to put Megan in the car. "Do you even know how to get her home?" He asked shutting the passenger seat door. "She's my problem Kade, I'll take care of it." She answered and strode to the front. Just before she got in, she looked at Kade and added "Thanks for your help." That simple comment rattled all thoughts from Kade's head and he grabbed her upper arm and drew her firmly against his chest. "I want to see you again Grace."
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