A Visit From The Past

2053 Words

England, London "Bollocks," John shouted angrily and slammed his fist on the table, papers, pens and other objects went flying. "How the f**k could you blow your cover, I asked you to subtly follow her and find out any useful information I can use against that ungrateful b***h, but what did you do? You go and show yourself to her." "Am sorry boss, but am sure that she didn't recognize me." The man pleaded. "Just shut the f**k up." John thundered and threw a vase against the wall, the case shattered into pieces and fell to the ground before John spoke again. "Do you think Grace is a stupid woman, I'm sure that she has already figured you out. If my plan fails, you are so dead." "I have a lot of gossip sir." The man spoke trembling, he did not want to die and he knew John well enough,

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