Fake pretence

2332 Words

"Mother, how very nice to see you." Grace greeted when she overcame her initial shock. Her children took that as their cue and left the room, it was as if they knew that things were about to get heated. Her mother was here in Boston, in the flesh, that did not bode well for Grace. "Oh do not look so surprised daughter, did you think I would let you celebrate your birthday alone," Margaret answered smugly picking at an invisible stain on the upholstery. "Birthday?" Grace almost scoffed, she recognized bullshit when she saw one and that was just a load of watery bullshit. "Why yes, are you not turning 40 on Friday?" Margaret asked puzzled. "Mother, I already turned Forty, please tell me why you are here," Grace asked, she was getting tired of pretending that she was happy to see her mot

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