Ch.3--Keeping A Secret

1276 Words
Ember POV: I couldn’t believe what I had just told him. He was still sitting there, he looked as though he had seen a ghost when I told him who I was. Just when I thought the silence itself would kill me Alpha Gage sighed breaking the silence, “I don’t care what pack you are from or whose daughter you are,” he finally said, “You are my mate and that’s all that matters at this point.” When Gage turned to face me, I swear I seen love in his eyes and just like that my fear was gone. I wanted nothing more than to be with him in every way possible. He started the truck and began to drive, “Are you hungry darlin’?” The way he called me darlin’ made me melt. I was hungry, I was starving, that’s when I realized what time it was. I was late, extremely late, and I had forgot to text my dad. I figured since I was already late, I might as well get something to eat with him. The sane, logical part of me still says to run, get to safety, but it's only a small part. The biggest part of me never wants to leave his side. “I’m starving, but we need to make it fast. Alpha Niko doesn’t even know I left Blood Moon, and I should’ve been back already. Well, he didn’t know I left but seeing how long I’ve been gone I’m sure he does now.” I sigh dreading the lecture I will get when I arrive back to the house. “Okay darlin’, no problem. We are mates; at some point you will need to move in with me. I’m not rushing you, please take your time, but the thought of being away from you breaks my heart,” Gage says as he parks at Outback BBQ. “I know, I just don’t know how I am going to tell him about us. In all honesty I don’t want to be away from you either, and I know that probably sounds insane seeing as how we just met.” I say shyly. I can’t believe how drawn to him I feel, like I’ve known him my whole life or something. Gage puts the truck in park and gently pushes the hair back out of my face making me ache with desire everywhere. “No rush darlin’, everything will be fine.” I couldn’t resist any longer. I leaned over and kissed him. He pulled me closer and teased my bottom lip until I finally gave him access to my mouth. I crawled over into his lap, straddling him, and left a trail of kisses down his neck, savoring the taste of him. A soft moan escaped his lips and then he stopped me. Gently trying to pull away from me, “Baby, I want you so bad, but now is not the right time. I want it to be perfect, just like you.” I sighed and climbed back over to my seat. I had never even had a boyfriend before. So, this was all new to me and even though he was right I couldn’t help but feel rejected. My heart twisted inside my chest feeling stupid for how I had just behaved. I could feel Gage staring at me as I kept stared at my hands. “Hey…look at me...” he said softly as he grabbed my chin turning my face to meet his. “I want you more than you could ever know, but not here in my truck. Okay?” I nodded as kissed me gently on the forehead. He went in and ordered us each a plate of ribs and sausage. We sat in silence until we were almost done eating. “I will drive you home, I don’t want you walking by yourself anymore. I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to you.” He wanted to drive me home!! No way, my dad would kill him on the spot. I felt nauseous at the thought of what would happen if he did that. “No. No way! You know the whole pack will be on you before we even get through the gates! Drop me off at the edge of our woods and I will walk from there. It’s our territory so I will be safe.” Gage looked at me unsure if he should agree or not but finally decided it would be best for me. The drive to my territory seemed to go way to fast. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking about how good it would feel to be near him all the time, to wake up with him next to me and mmmmm how good it would be to mate with him. Gage POV: I understood why she didn’t want me to take her home, and I hate to admit it, but she is right. The whole pack would be on me before either one of us could try to stop them. I could sense her staring at me the whole drive, and it made it hard not to turn around and just take her with me to my pack, well our pack now. I knew she needed to tell Alpha Niko and I knew it would be hard for her. How he would take it worried me though. There is a lot of bad blood between my pack and his. I let my thoughts race as I drove. I can imagine how she would taste; how good it would feel to be inside her; to have her with me and know for certain she was safe. I stop at the edge of the woods just like she asked me too. “Darlin’ wait let me see your phone, call me as soon as you make it in. I just need to know that you made safely.” I quickly type my number in and hand it back to her. “Gage, thank you for everything today” Ember said softly, “it meant a lot more to me than you realize.” She had her eyes down, but I could sense that she was nervous and embarrassed at what she said. But why? What did she mean by that? “Today meant a lot to me too. I mean, I finally found my mate, and you are perfect. You are more than I could have even imagined, and I can’t wait to get to know you better. Are you okay here? Are you going to be safe going back to your pack?” The thought of her being anything but safe put my wolf on edge. Ember POV: “I am very safe going back. I didn’t mean anything like that.” I could feel my face turning red and I couldn’t help but look down again in embarrassment. Gage had the most confused look on his face. s**t, now I was going to have to explain to myself and this was so embarrassing. I shouldn’t have said anything, but too late for that now. “I got my first kiss today. That is why it meant a lot to me. Being the Alpha’s daughter, I haven’t had many boyfriends, well any boyfriends, everyone is scared to date me.” I could feel the heat spreading up my cheeks as I told him this, not wanting to make eye contact. I could only imagine how experienced he is, making me wonder if I would be good enough for him.
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