Chapter 2

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*Blade* 7:30 am BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP CRASH BANG WALLOP Well, that's another alarm clock broken. I thought as I slowly opened my eyes. I stretch out on my king-sized bed and hear the quiet popping of my joints, and the relief that comes along with it. I reached over to the desk to get my phone and see 5 missed calls from Michael, even though it's half four in the morning over there, why was he even awake. I decide to message him to see what's up. *Start of text conversation* To Michael Yo bro, whats up? From Michael Morning bro, do you know what today is? To Michael Nah, what is today again? From Michael Broooooooooo. Seriously. Today is the day we move and you know the day you get to see Lilly again. To Michael Oh s**t. It is. Well congrats bro. When is your flight? I'll pick you and Lilly up and Dad can pick up the Alpha and Luna. From Michael I don't know I'll mindlink you ten minutes before we land. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. To Michael Okay, mate. See you soon. From Michael Bye. *End of text conversation* Honestly, I can't wait to see Michael. I mean, come on, why wouldn't I haven't seen him since I was 15 and that was 4 years ago. Me and Michael are 19 and Lilly is 17, about to turn 18 in a week. This means that she will have her first shift and find her mate. I have always had a crush on Lilly ever since high school really, and then the day I was going to tell her, she got with Jacob Rayes but they broke up a week later, so Michael and I beat him up for hurting her. Even now, just hearing her name gives me goosebumps. Speaking of Lilly, I should check to see if she's posted on i********:, and she has. There she is, standing on the hilltop. On our hilltop, the sun shining down on her giving her a natural glow and making her blue eyes pop against her tanned skin, but most of her face is covered like in all of her pictures. She's wearing a red top that shows some cleavage, making my wolf growl, knowing that other guys are seeing that very same photo. She looks breathtakingly beautiful. No wonder why she has 198,801 followers and 175,871 likes. She's beautiful Blade. That she is Xavier. That she is. We need to find a mate. I want a mate. As do I. I'm sure we will find her soon. Until then, we can look at Lilly from afar and protect her and maybe even start a relationship with her. How does that sound? We will find her soon. I promise. Don't ask questions, you know you won't get answers. Erm ok. Good. Now go get in the shower. We stink. Fine. ** 10 minutes later** I stepped out of the steaming shower,and grabbed a towel and drying myself off before slipping into a pair of washed out blue jeans. I turned and saw Briana walking towards my couch. She had on a wife-beater and some boy shorts. "Get out, Briana," I said. "But I just got here." She replied. "I don't care, I said get out." "But, Daddy, no one else satisfies me like you do." "I said I don't care. Now get the f**k out of the room and go f**k someone else." " I don't anyone else I only want you." "I SAID GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I shout at her. She whimpers and slowly walks out of my room with her head bowed. This b***h is always thinking that I want f**k her. I don't f**k people anymore, not after she left, and even if she didn't, I still wouldn't have s*x with Briana. She's the packs w***e. I'm pretty sure that I am the only unmated male she hasn't had s*x with, and I don't count on ever having s*x with her. I want to be with my mate and only my mate from now on. I checked the time and saw it's 8:30. I needed to start my duties. I walk out of my room and lock my room so no one goes in there whilst I'm gone. I walk to my father's office, knock and wait for an answer. After what felt like an eternity, I finally heard my father's voice call out saying to "Come in." So I turned the golden handle and pushed open the door to see my father sitting behind his deck looking at some paperwork. "So, Dad, what do you need me to do today?" I asked curiously. "Well, I need you to make sure all of the preparations are ready for the arrival of the alpha family, along with all your usual duties" he replied. "I will get right on it." I said as I left. I went to the Alpha mansion and checked that everything was ready for their arrival, and as usual it was. I decide to check the perimeter for rogues. I walk to the nearest tree and strip. I fold up my clothes and hide them within the trees' roots, and start to change into my large black wolf. I set off feeling the rush of the wind through my fur, the leaves crunching under my paws. I see the shadows of the trees speed past me and smell the scents of the forest. I can hear the sound of a mouse squeaking about 200 yards away. Then I heard Michael's voice in my head."Hey bro." "Hey, what's up?" "Yeah, well we landed about ten minutes ago and one of the attendants pissed Lilly off, and she kind of shifted and ran off towards the perimeter." "Hey bro, don't worry. I'll check the perimeter for her now." "Thanks bro. Oh and just to warn you, her scent has changed, she doesn't smell how she used to when we were little." "Alright man, thanks for the heads up. I'll see you soon." "See you soon." I set off towards the airport to stay around the perimeter on that side. Just as I reach the perimeter, I see a white blur race past me and stop. As she does, an enticing smell hits me like a ton of bricks. Daisies and watermelon, Goddess who knew it would be such a great combination. The she wolf turns around and I can now see that the wolf has white fur with gold streaks running through it like the Lunas' fur. She growls at me and it makes me whimper. The authority that seeps out of the she wolf would be enough to bring an Alpha to their knees and it had me back down. Then suddenly she took off further into the territory leaving me standing there looking after her and wanting to ask so many questions. She ran past the guards who didn’t even blink an eyelid like they knew her. I tried chasing after her but lost within minutes. “Hey Michael, what does your sister's wolf look like?” “Like my mother, white fur with gold streaks running through it. Why? Is Lilly there?” “Yeah, I think so.” “Good. We will be arriving at the mansion in a few minutes. That’s enough time to get ready right.” “Yes. I will meet you there.” With that, I went racing back towards the Alpha mansion. Once, I had changed out of my wolf and into my human form. I put on my clothes, hopped into the car and drove towards the mansion, in search of her once again.
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