Chapter 3

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*Lilly* I was awoken by the sound of arguing. I could hear the sound of my brother and parents'voices and another voice that I wasn't familiar with. I opened my eyes and saw the back of the blonde flight attendant facing me. "Michael, what's going on?" I mind linked my brother. "Well, Brittany here decided to try and get in dad's pants and she was completely ignoring mum, so mum slapped her. After that, she tried to get in my pants and I told her that she was old enough to be my grandma and she tried to slap me but mum caught her hand so now they are all arguing." he replied. "Aight” Hearing that made my blood boil. The fighting carried on for a couple more minutes when suddenly Brittany says "Oh please, I bet your daughter is as much of a slut as you are." With that, I shot up out of my seat and grabbed the back of her neck with one hand and used my leg to floor her. "The next time you insult me or a member of my family, I won't hesitate to break your neck rogue. Remember who you are talking to." I said to her using my Alpha Alpha voice. We call it my Alpha Alpha voice because it's stronger than an Alpha's Alpha commands and even works on an Alphas too. I don't use it much because it's meant to be kept a secret. I mean imagine the meltdown the council would have if they found out that I was stronger than my Alpha and future Alpha. It would cause chaos. Anyway, I released the rogue, and sat back down in my seat and looked over to my family who were bowed on the floor. "You know you can stand back up now, right." I said to them. "Lilly, sweetheart, you didn't have to do that." My mum says. "No mum I did, she not only insulted me but you as well.It was disrespectful and she needed to learn her place." "Lilly, I need you to promise me you won't do it around the pack." She paused, "It might get back to the council." Of course, goddess, I'm such an i***t. "Sorry mama. How much longer till we get there?" "We are here sweetheart," Dad replied with a chuckle. I looked out the window after he said that to see we were indeed on the landing stripe facing the ocean. "Well let's get going then, shall we..." I said whilst standing back up from my seat. With a nod of agreement from everyone around me, we grabbed our carry-ons and the left over food and drinks we had and headed towards the door of the plane. Being the youngest, I was the last to leave the plane with my brother in front of me and my parents in front of him. "What's the plan then?" Michael asked. Father replies with "Well, we can get in the cars and head over to the pack boundaries, we can get some food on the way if you want?" "Yes please dad, I'm starving." I said. "When are you not, darling sister? I don't think there is a time when you aren't hungry," Michael said to me. "You can't say anything mikey boo" I said to annoy him. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that Lilly pad." he replied. "Oh come on Michael, you know you love it, you just don't want your 'street cred' to be ruined. Goddess forbid the big bad future alpha has a cute childhood nickname" "Come on kids, let's get going. We're getting food from Taco Bell and you can order whatever you want." With that, Michael runs towards where the pick-up trucks will be. Just as I started to walk over there as when suddenly I was pushed to the ground and a weight landed on my back. My hair was pulled tight into someone's grip and a hand was put around my mouth. I brought my elbow back and elbowed my attacker in the stomach and flipped us over whilst they were distracted, only to see it was Brittany. Goddess, this girl just does not quit. I punched her in the face over and over again until I was pulled off and landed in a pair of arms that normally manage to calm down, but right now, the only thing that could calm me was to shift, but the only way to get out of my father's arms would be to command him and that's something I don't really want to do but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess. "Dad let me go NOW!" I commanded him and, sure enough, his arms quickly disappeared. I sniffed the air for the scent of humans and fortunately enough there wasn't, so I started my shift into my beautiful white and gold wolf. The warmth of my fur growing around me and the popping of my bones breaking and moving into place brought a sense of peace to me. After my shift had finished, I opened my eyes and every single detail had sharpened and every single scent had been polished. I'm sorry papa. I'll see you all at the alpha house. With that, I shot off towards the forest and swerved between the trees and bushes, jumped over rocks and ducked under branches. The rush of adrenaline that took over my body forced me to speed up and I ran just past the perimeter of our packland and came to a stop to see a black wolf staring at me. It was Blade, my brother, probably told him what happened and sent him to find me, cute. I growled at him and let some of my authority seep through my skin, making him back down. It's Lilly, I'm running through the packed grounds. Don't stop me. I linked the guards that were nearby and ran off towards the Alpha house. Mum, are my bags already in my room? I'm at the packhouse and erm I need clothes. Yes dear, they should be in the foyer. You can choose whichever room you want seen as we aren't there yet. Also, don't forget that our rooms are on the third floor, not the second. I won't mum. Love you, see you soon. Love you too, sweetheart. After the conversation with my mother, I shifted back and entered the Alpha house naked. Upon entering the house and walking into the foyer, I saw my suitcases huddled in their own pile with a cute little name card that had my name on it. Awww, how cute that is. I mean who thought of this? They should get an award for creativity. Erm Lilly we are still naked. Right, I forgot about that. I grabbed one of the suitcases and used my werewolf speed to run up to the third floor and decided that I wanted the biggest room but first clothes. I open the closest door next to me, which happens to be a bathroom, like yay, go me. I opened my suitcase and grabbed my black lace underwear and bra set and put it on. I then grab a pair of ripped black jeans and a white crop top and put those on. I grab a hair tie from my toiletries bag and put my hair up in a messy bun. I put everything back in the suitcase and zipped it up. I opened the door and went back into the hallway to start my quest for finding the biggest bedroom on the third floor. Goddess knows I can't wait to rub into Michael's face that I have the biggest room. It's gonna be so much fun. I opened all the doors to all the rooms up here and none of them were to my satisfaction until I opened the last door and it was by far the biggest room out of all of them and it even has a balcony where you can see the forest, it has an ensuite bathroom and a huge walk-in bathroom. I plonked down my suitcase in the middle of the room claiming it as mine. I heard a car pulling up outside and ran back downstairs to suprise my family. Only, surprise it wasn't my family. No of course it wasn't. It was him. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I ran as quickly as my wolfspeed could take me to hide behind the staircase, and prayed to the Moon Goddess that he didn't see me.

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