Chapter 37

1498 Words

King POV 'Sir! Sir! Quick, take a look at the feed.' my assistant shouted excitedly as he burst through the door and raced around my desk before I had even had a chance to ask him what he was so excited about. 'Feed?' My mind was still on what I was doing, not taking in what he was saying; feed what? 'Bob's room, take a look, they are doing something, and I think it is important.' He said as he went around my desk, grabbed the mouse from my hand, and clicked on the feed to Bob's hospital room; instantly, his room came into view, and the hive of activity that was gone on in that room. Bethany was packing a bag in Bob's room, and Hank was nearby. Slowly and carefully, with help from two nurses, Bob was getting into a stiff bodysuit made to keep the back from bending and moving. It looks

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