Chapter 6

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Pam POV Bob was a champ. He took all of these babies arriving at the same time in his stride, displaying the strength of the man I know and love. He made sure I was cared for, pandering to all my needs before I even knew what I needed. He made sure I was comfortable and guided me through it all; at no time did he leave me alone, that I am aware of. He was there when I fell asleep, and I woke to find him sleeping on the chair beside my bed, holding my hand. He made me feel special and wanted and loved. He lifted his head from the odd angle he had slept in and smiled a bright smile that bloomed warmth inside me; his eyes shined with love and concern. 'Morning Honey, do you need anything?' His first words were for my needs. How could a girl not love a man like him? He was not yet properly awake and ready to make me comfortable. 'Would like a drink, please.' I wanted a strong coffee, but I was going to say something different. He got up and kissed me gently, and fled the room, doing my bidding. I made my way to the bathroom slowly, dragging that pole that had tubes leading to my body with me. I am told if all goes well, it might be removed later today, but each person is different. I did my business and climbed back in bed when Bob returned with two large cappuccinos and four rounds of ham, cheese, and tomato toasted sandwich yum. My stomach growled at the smell; Bob chuckled as he pushed the little table over the bed and placed the food in front of me; he peeled the covers off the coffee cups and unwrapped the food. I could hardly wait to sink my teeth into that tasty food. Bob only took a toasty once I had my fill. I felt greedy, having eaten three of them, but he did not seem to mind and said he could leave and get more if he needed to. I think he was trying to make me feel better, and it did for a little while until I realized I had drunk both coffees, too. He did not even blink when I drank them both. The nursery was full of babies. I found mine quickly and seemed to recognize their cries straight away. I strolled over to them and smiled, my heart full of love at the sight of those cute little men. Bob was beaming with pride as she both got to hold a baby and feed him, the third one in the arms of a nurse as she gave him a bottle, too. According to the nurse, all three were on the bottle and would be home quicker than Bethany's because mine are older and have adjusted quicker to bottle feeding. I looked at Bethany's four and smiled at the ribbons with their names on them; she had great ideas. I wish I had thought of that. The following two days flew by, and I was discharged to go home. I felt back that I had to leave my little ones in the hospital, but Bob managed to convince me that I could finish the nursery the way I wanted it, and by the time I had it as I wanted it, the babies would be home, too. I hope. I was almost in tears when I left the hospital. Bethany had to stay another few days; she was taking longer to get her body to heal. They had left the drain in an extra day, and her blood pressure had a few issues, so I did not have her to talk to either. I had thought of the girl next to us, Jazmin, who might visit with her little girl. I am looking forward to that, and she has proved to be a lifesaver a few times, with wild stories of her life and some of the stupid things, making us all laugh. I am sure she will let me have a cuddle when I need one until mine is home. It is going to be a challenging week or two and then Mayhem, I guess. Bob had to go back to work and promised to get time off when the babies came home. He was knee-deep in a case involving a suspected croaked cop, and Bob likes to look into those himself. I was worried for him. I don't want him to get overworked. These babies will drain him of energy as they are, and if he does long hours at work, too, he will fizzle out quickly. The room I needed to finish was the playroom for the babies, and it was the last room to be fitted out because I kept changing my mind until the boys were born. I had refused to know what s.ex they were. I wanted the surprise, and so did Bethany. We had similar thoughts and ideas for our children and should do well together. I would not be returning to work. I put in my notice, and it was accepted before the babies were born. I had yet to tell Bob. I am sure he will find out sooner or later through work. If I changed my mind and returned, he would think it was as intended. I felt terrible for not informing him, but I would deal with that when and if it came up. The room was coming along, and I had Scott put a camera with sound in here, so if I am downstairs and they are playing up here, I can see what they are up to. I have heard wild stories about multiple birth children and how they may have three children but can act like one. That scares me a bit—the idea of three little boys finding ways to get up to no good. How do you handle all of that? I finished ordering the things I wanted online and organized a time for the delivery, and I made sure that Bob would be here for the delivery so I was not doing things alone. We are all still very much aware that the person who did a lot of killing is still at large, and I, for one, am very concerned. Even poor Scott could not trace who it was. He found a lot of information on Spider's computer, and after all this time, he is still sieving through it all, finding more information, some useful, some old news. Still, it seems Spider threw nothing away, and that is proving a long job but fruitful. Scott had talked to me a few times about the items he had found. After the police had finished with the flat, Scott got permission to clear the place out, and he took it all to a warehouse to store and go through. He had been doing it slowly over all this time; it had been an enormous job, cataloging it all, and he had done a fantastic job. Jacko thinks we have had a breakthrough, that some evidence in there was of the prince's involvement, but we are still missing some of it, and Scott is hoping what we need to nail the man finally is still in the piles of boxes and spare old computers in the warehouse. Jacko has not been as helpful as I had hoped, and I wonder why he is a little cold towards me. I asked my boss, and he said he told him about who I was, and Jacko went a little weird. He is hoping he did not give me away to a possible enemy. I would not have thought of Jacko that way, but he treats me differently than he used to. Maybe he does not like the idea that I am from royalty and he has been treating me like everyone else; perhaps he is embarrassed for not treating me differently and now has no idea how to treat me. I wish he would treat me like he used to and yell and scream at me if he needed to. I am still me. I am not a princess. I do not have a silver spoon stuck up my ar....s If he is treating me like this because of that, I am going to kick him in the jewels and leave him unable to walk.
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