Best kiss

2001 Words

I have my eyes closed so I cannot see anything that is happening. But I can feel Draco move which makes me very anxious. Maybe keeping my eyes closed was not the best idea. The unknown makes things much worse for me. I take a few deep breaths and open my eyes slowly. At first, I am scared to look anywhere past the golden scales on Draco’s back. But soon I find myself becoming more adventurous and glancing over at his powerful wings. With each flap of his wings, we rise higher and higher. I peek down to the ground only to find it becoming smaller and smaller as we increase in altitude. My breathing is shallow as I find it hard to take full breaths. I am so nervous. I feel like I could have a panic attack at any moment, but I do my best to stay calm. “How are you doing up there?” asks Draco.

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