Take control

2000 Words

I am woken the next morning in the worst way possible. "Wake up honey, it is stone for you to get ready for your date," greets my mother. I open my eyes slowly. "Date with who?" I ask her in a groggy voice. It is very early. Too early. I do not even have to get up for my chores yet. "Don't act like you forgot. Your second date with Stephan. Remember how you left him on his own at the lake during your last date?" she says, pulling the curtains open, allowing for the light to flood into the room. I squint as my eyes adjust to the new found light. I completely forgot about that. Matter of fact, I completely forgot that this man even existed. "I already told you that I am not going to that stupid date," I argue and roll over onto my stomach. I bury my face in the pillow hoping that this is jus

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