Discovering Moon: Submission

1047 Words
Joe's POV I ran up the stairs as soon as we finished our ice-cream. I couldn’t face him, I saw the pity in his eyes when he looked at me. Some of the insults Mike threw at me, crossed my mind. I stood in front of the mirror trying to see what Kai sees but I couldn’t, so he had to be lying. I tried to look again and I just saw a big fat nothing looking back at me. I threw myself on my mattress, feeling depressed. “Jesus Joe pull yourself together” I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through the next month. I knew it was early but I got into my pyjama’s, even the look of them depressed me, ugly flannel pyjama’s that just screamed single lonely woman. I got into bed hoping to shut down my mind because I was just exhausted from thinking too much, I had spent the last two nights fantasising about the man who had no name. I thought of his name, it suited him, strong, like him “Kai”. I fell asleep, but dreams of Kai seemed to play a leading role in them all. I woke up feeling aroused and hungry. I slipped down to the kitchen, trying to walk as softly as possible. I heard him snoring in his room and I decided to check in on him. He was fast asleep, I went to stand over him, just looking at him, he really was perfect. I stretched out my hand and removed a wayward strand away from his forehead. My god I wanted him, I don’t think I ever wanted anything so badly. I felt the sparks as I touched his skin and immediately removed my hand. I inhaled deeply and walked back upstairs, trying to sleep again, my hunger forgotten. Kai’s POV: I heard her when she came walking down the steps and it took everything I had not to take her when she was standing over me, my body ached for her, and I wasn’t sure why, but the need was overwhelming. I opened my eyes as I heard her go back upstairs. ‘This was f*****g ridiculous, I had a mystery to solve but for some inexplicable reason her scent had me thinking of only throwing her on the ground and driving myself into her. I took the two pillows she gave me and sandwiched my head in between them. ‘For f**k sake, you’re a grown man, get you s**t together’ I tried to push her essence out of my mind but I couldn’t, I forced myself to fall asleep but the constant throbbing between my legs was making it hard. The only thing that made me feel better was that I could hear her pacing the room, so she obviously felt the same. One word jumped into my mind, but I didn’t know what it meant or even why that specific word jumped into my mind ‘Mate’ I tried to analyse it but I gave up and finally drifted off to sleep. The next couple of days was just as frustrating as its predecessors. I was lusting after Joe and I could smell her arousal every time I walked into a room. ‘This was ridiculous, and honestly torturous’ I didn’t have any new memories and so that left only Joe, all my focus was on her, and it was driving me f*****g insane. We sat at the lunch table, she had made another casserole, we ate in silence and then I slowly put down my fork looking at her. “Listen Joe, we have to talk” I heard her exhale “Oh thank God, I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take, the strained silences were driving me crazy” I felt relief and quickly moved over to her. I lifted her from her seat. I kissed her and the feel of her mouth on mine ignited a burning blaze with in me. She sighed into the kiss which only served to throw more coal on the blaze burning inside me. I knew the moment she withdrew from me, and it took everything in me to not grab her and finish what we just started. She immediately turned around and ran back upstairs. I punched the air with frustration. I started cleaning the kitchen and decided to wait for her to come back down. She came back down about two hours later, shyly lifting her fabulous eyes and staring at me. I gave her a pained look trying to convey my message with my eyes “Look I want you; I desperately want you” She gave me a small smile “Yeah me to” “So why don’t we just go for this, why don’t we just explore this relationship” “I was thinking about this and I agree, but I want to keep this s****l only.” My chin almost hit the floor “Look I just got out of an extremely abusive relationship, and I can’t give any more of myself to someone else, but for some reason thoughts of you are driving me insane.” She looked at me questioningly “Is that something you can accept?” That’s not really what I wanted for some reason I wanted more from her, but right now I will take whatever I can get, I’ll take what I can get. My head was bend and I slowly brought it up. “I can” She smiled but that smile quickly turned to something else when she watched me get up and walk towards her “Mind if we start now” This time her mouth almost hit the floor, but I took that opportunity to pick her up and carry her to her bed. “What are you doing, you’ll hurt yourself” I ran up the stairs giving her a huge smile, for some reason I felt giddy. When I stepped into her room, I was surrounded by her smell, it enveloped me and I felt happy and content. Even though I had no memory, no inkling of who or what I was, she made me feel like I had finally come home.
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