Quarter Moon: Meeting

1270 Words

Joe's POV: As soon we drove into the path that would lead to my cabin, the other guys started walking towards us. I smiled to myself when the guys grabbed the groceries. As I walked into the kitchen they had already unpacked most of it and was busy opening a pack of Fiery Doritos. I saw Connor open the bag with the whipped cream in “I guess we all know what this is for”, he snickered as he said that. I could feel the heat rising in my face. Kai grabbed it from him and placed it in the fridge “Shut up Con” Connor and Cain passed looks and smiles between them. I grabbed some chips, onions and peanut butter and ran upstairs, this was mine and I wasn’t going to share. Kai walked in behind me and I stared at him. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer. “Kai, I was wonde

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