Moonbeams: I love you

1170 Words

1 Month later: Joe’s POV: The days turned colder which was unusual, as usually the snow started melting at this time. But I wasn’t complaining, Kai and I had made the best of our time together, here in our little love nest. It was hard to believe that I had known him for only a month, it felt like much longer, it was like we were always together. Somehow his face seemed part of every memory I had. I turned on my side and watched his sleeping form. I touched my finger lightly to his nose and dragged it down. He opened his eyes and a smile crept across his face; I felt my heart starting to beat faster as he stared into my eyes. “Morning beautiful” He drew me closer and nuzzled my neck “I love the smell of you, it’s like warm honey.” I laughed as I stretched my neck further giving him a

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