Disappearing Moon – First aid.

2573 Words
Joe’s POV: Panic filled me and I just ripped the rest of the knife out. Not one of my best ideas. I held the wound together with my fingers and I noticed that the blood was not stopping, it was actually streaming out faster. “Oh s**t Joe, what have you done” I though about a movie I had seen, when the guy took a hot poker and stuck it into his bleeding side, “Well let’s see if this works”, I just hoped the there was some truth in it. I took the fire poker, sprayed some alcohol over it and held it in the fire. I waited until it turned red. I moved quickly as I took it out and stuck it on his wound. The smell of burning flesh was disgusting and I felt nauseated, but I pushed through, keeping the poker on the wound. I finally removed it and sprayed some alcohol on the wound. I then took some ointment and rubbed it on him, I carefully covered the wound with plasters. I then examined his body carefully going through every inch, searching for more wounds, and trying to stop the bleeding. This guy had been through the wars. I went to get some clean water with disinfectant in it. I started cleaning his other wounds, the ones that were not so deep. At about midnight I sat back looking at my botched job, and hoping to God that the wounds wouldn’t get infected. I tried to clean up as much of the mess and blood as I could. I stood over him and couldn’t help but stroke his head. When I touched him I ripped my hand away, his temperature was very high, extremely high by the feel of him. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed another cloth I filled it with snow and ran back to him, placing it on his head. I went outside and got some snow. I placed some of it on his head and started to wipe down his body with the cool cloth, hoping I could break his fever. I took particular pains to avoid a certain part of his anatomy, but when I had to clean his legs there was no way that I couldn’t avoid looking at it. He was huge and I could feel my face flooding with heat. “What the hell is wrong with you, it’s not like you haven’t seen a naked man before” I grabbed a pillow and placed it on his man hood. I then cleaned up the rest of him. He groaned a lot, and I could see that he was in a lot of pain. He kept whispering the name ‘Celine’, she must have been very important to him. I looked at his face, he was very handsome, but not in the normal way, his face was rugged, and I could see hardship edged on it. He had blond hair with honey streaks in them and he was very muscular. I stroked his cheek, and he grabbed my hand in a surprisingly strong grasp. “Celine, why?” His dark blue gaze searched my face, and then he fell back into oblivion. I went to get more snow as the snow on his head had already melted and his fever was still blazing. I packed his body with some more snow, hoping that the fever would break. I kept sponging off his head trying to make him comfortable. I fell asleep with my hand on his head. Hours later I woke up and touched his head. He seemed more comfortable, and his sleep seemed a little less disturbed. His fever had broken, I sighed with relief, at least I hadn’t killed him, well not yet. Unknown male’s POV: I woke up my mind feeling fuzzy and confused. I looked around the unfamiliar room, not recognising anything. I tried to recall the last memory I had, but there was nothing, I couldn’t recall anything, my mind was a complete blank. I tried to move but I felt a sharp pain in my side. I watched as a short, voluptuous women walked into the room. “Oh, your finally awake, for a minute there I thought I killed you” I saw her smile and watched as two very pretty dimples appeared in her cheek. Her eyes were bright blue and her hair was light brown with streaks of blond in them. While she walked towards me she grabbed her hair and fastened it in a ponytail. “How are you feeling” “I tried to speak but nothing came out” She grabbed a glass of water and walked over to me. She handed me the glass and I started drinking, only then did I realise how thirsty I really was. As soon as I finished the glass of water she took it from me and then put her hand on my head. A small spark left her hand as soon as she touched my head and I whipped my head away. She gave me a concerned look but then smiled again. “You must be hungry, let me get you something to eat.” I looked at her and I could feel my mouth start to salivate, he perfume was just intoxicating. I shook my head, as I knew this was not the time to think of a woman I need to find out where I was and what was going, but most importantly, who am I. She gave me a quizzical look “Are you hungry?” Only then did I realise I was ravenous, I tried to get up again and watched as a pillow dropped, I was stark naked. “What the f**k?” She heard me and turned around, I saw the blush appear across her face as she looked at me. I quickly covered myself again. “Sorry, I don’t think I have anything for you to wear, I found you naked, on the riverbank” I stared at her not knowing exactly what to say. She cleared her throat before she spoke again. “Wait, I have some of my grand-fathers and my ex-husbands clothes here, I doubt they’ll fit, but maybe there is something you can use” She disappeared behind a door and came out a couple of minutes later with a huge smile, she looked absolutely beautiful “I found you some sweatpants, and an old t-shirt” She brought it over to me and I could smell the faint scent of vanilla and honeysuckle as she walked towards me. “Here you go” She looked up at me and I notice how short she was, I slowly took the clothes from her and she turned to leave. “By the way my name is Joe, short for Jo-Anne, but everyone calls me Joe” I just stare at her trying to recall my name “Hi” I shook my head trying to clear it “I can’t remember my name” I must have looked really sad because she came over and squeezed my hand. “No worries, I’ll just go get you some breakfast”, her smell was intoxicating, the smell wafted through the room and left with her, and I wanted to follow. I had to stop myself. I quickly dressed in the pants. The sweats stretched across my waist and ass, it was extremely tight, the legs unfortunately came to just under my knee, this was way too small for me but I squeezed into it. the t-shirt was a waste of time, I couldn’t even get my arms in there. I walked into the kitchen and when the woman saw me she burst out in a loud laugh. “Oh my God, you look ridiculous” I felt embarrassed and a little humiliated “I’m sorry this was all I could offer you” she kept laughing, through her little speech. She gestured with a huge smile for me to sit down. She dished some eggs, bacon and toast in a plate and handed it to me. I inhaled the plate, I was ravenous. When I finished I looked up into her astonished eyes “Jesus you wolfed that down” She handed her still uneaten plate over to me “Here have mine” I took her plate with a nod of thanks but something she said bothered me, the word wolved, stirred some memory. I tried to grab at the memory but it was out of reach, there was nothing. I finished that plate to and looked up at her. She was actually really pretty, not in the over make-up way that was so popular now, but a classical way, like she belonged in another time and another place. Her eyes were also sad, I instinctively knew that she had gone through something really bad. She saw me staring and I cleared my throat. “Got any more” She smiled and grabbed some more food from the stove and handed it to me. As she handed me the plate her hand accidently touched mine. The faint sparks surprised me and also somehow made me happy. I looked down rubbing my hands on my knees, not knowing what to do with them “So, how long have I been out?” “Three days, I actually thought you were going to be out longer as your wounds were bad, but you seem to have recovered very quickly” “Do you know what happened to me?” I shook my head trying to remember “I can’t remember anything, my mind is just a blank” “No, I don’t sorry. You were lucky though. I saw you in the river and dragged you out, there is usually no one here this time of year.” She gave me a concerned look before she continued “The memory loss is probably temporary because of the trauma, your memories will most likely return” I gave her an earnest look “Thank you for saving me, I owe you my life” She waved it off as she got up to clear our plates “No need to thank me” she looked at me “We are however stuck here for about another month or so. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t call for help, we literally have no means to” I gave her a quizzical look “We’re snowed in, and I don’t have any means to travel in this snow or any phones, so we’re going to be stuck together. I came here to get away from everything” as she said that, I could see the pain edged in her eyes. I looked around I thought I smelled a male and then I spotted a jacket which was thrown over a couch. “Anybody else here like a husband or boyfriend” She followed my eyes to the jacket “No, I’m divorced and that jacket was actually my grandfathers, I still wear it just to feel closer to him” I saw the sadness in her eyes. “I am sorry, and now I will also be and inconvenience to you” She looked down as if she was hiding something “Your no inconvenience” She suddenly smiled again “My grandad made sure that the fridges were always filled and before I came here I also stocked up and if power goes, we have a generator and enough firewood” “As long as I am not an inconvenience” She started to laugh “Where would you go anyway, you don’t even know who you are, and honestly my friend someone seems to be very pissed with you” she gestured to my injuries. I smiled at her, I loved the fact that she didn’t seem to pull any punches “Yeah you might be right” I finished my coffee, that she placed on the table and got up to help her wash up. She tried to stop me, but I was feeling much better. We finished cleaning the kitchen when she turned away, for a second I felt sad that I couldn’t see her smile. She dried of her hands on a dish towel and looked at me “We should take another look at your wounds, make sure it’s healing properly” I nodded my head and took a seat at the table. She grabbed her first aid kit and put everything on the table. She carefully opened my wound. “What the hell?” she quickly looked up at me. I felt concerned by her outcry and my face must have shown it “Your wound is healed, there is only a small scar left” she looked confused, like she wasn’t sure what she was looking at “What?” I looked down and she was right, she then opened all the other smaller wounds. “Everything is healed” She looked confused as she stared up into my eyes. “You must have some awesome ability, because I have never seen anyone heal so quickly” she gave my wounds another stare before she got up. I smiled at her “Must be my excellent nurse” She gave me a small smile “Yeah, let’s leave it at that” She turned away from me and I honestly felt like crying. She then proceeded to clean up all the old bandages and her first aid stuff. She stared at me, she felt uncomfortable and was that her heart beating so fast “Well I don’t know what you want to do now, there is not much, to do around here” “My grandfather kept a lot of books, if you want to read” I just stared at her “There is also some very old dvd’s you can watch” She seemed nervous now “What were you planning on doing?” “I was going to tidy up here and then chop some firewood” “Okay, point me to the firewood and I’ll go and chop some wood, I need to stretch my muscle’s, they feel stiff and sore” She looked at me and I could see concern on her face “Do you think you should, you could still have some internal injuries” I smiled at her “I feel great, and I really need to do something physical” She shook her shoulders and led me outside to the woodshed. I watched her hips sway as she walked in front of me, and for a second I felt my groin tighten. Her body was voluptuous and screamed out to be touched. I immediately jerked my head up and focused on what was in front of me or to the side of me anywhere else just not on her hips. “Well, here we go, there’s the axe and the wood. So, enjoy yourself” I nodded my head and watched her turn around and walk away, again my eyes lingered way to long on her swaying hips. ‘s**t, I don’t need this now, I need to find out who I am, not lusting after my saviour’ I started chopping the wood, my mind was in turmoil and all over the place.
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