Chapter 6 Klaus POV

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I'm frustrated. I didn't come and the shewolf ran out of my room. All because my mother is happy with the return of her offspring from another mother. Sighing, I decide to take a shower and j******f thinking about the f**k that was left in the middle. Angel is coming home. I miss him, but I'll never tell that to anybody, all because of our past. I regretted what I did the same day, but Angel fulfilled what he promised and never spoke to me again. I could see him, with his tiny eyes, looking at me and letting tears escape, but neither he nor I spoke again. When, a year later, his mother died, I wanted to hug and comfort my friend, but I couldn't. I was like an i***t, clinging to my father and crying. Shortly afterwards, he moved to England, and although I often watched while my brothers chatted with him via video call, the truth is that I stopped doing it a long time ago. We will never be friends again, and I'm the only one to blame for that. - s**t - I screamed in frustration. - My d**k was dead, because I was thinking nonsense. I get out of the shower, and do the rest of my rituals. Then I grabbed a tight T and some black jeans and went to sit on the patio sipping a coffee. - I heard that your balls dropped because they were sooooo blue – Colby tells me with the funniest air ever. - Shut up. Wait until it happens to you. A person can't even give a good f**k anymore. Mom seems to guess, every time I want to f**k. - She's just trying to keep us focused on finding our mates. I know my brother is right, but nowadays, nobody waits virgin for a mate that may never be found. When I turned 18, I searched for a mate. I searched in the pack and allied packs, but I couldn't find my mate. Now I'm 22-years-old, I have given up hoping to find her. The goddess may have left me mateless, or she may be so far away that I'll never find her. So until my dad decides it's time for me to inherit the alpha title, I'm going to continue to train and f**k as many shewolves as I want. I'm quite attractive. It must run in the family, because we're all attractive, and shewolves can't resist me. I've been with several shewolves, with human women, and I've even f****d a vampire. One day, a woman will make me fall in love and I will make her my chosen mate. - Klaus – my dad calls me. - Yes dad? - In two weeks, I had to be at the annual meeting of the allied packs. I think it's time for you, the future alpha, to represent me. I looked at my father suspiciously. He had never before sent me on his behalf or taken me with him. - Tell me the truth dad, won't this delegation of power have to do with the return of your other son from the other father? My father chuckles at my sentence. - A little. I want to be here to welcome Angel and receive him into the pack, before he repents and goes back to England. I rolled my eyes. - Since you stopped being his friend, I think you're the best choice. I really was hopping to see Angel, and hopping he looked at me like his old friend. Hoping he will forget about my stupid acts from the past. Hell if I was going to say that out loud. - Okay dad, I'll go. It was also time for you to trust me. And the bonus is, I didn't have to watch the alpha and luna of the pack receive the beta's son as if he were a king of the world. - Don't be jealous, son. I like Angel as a son, but that doesn't make me love you and your brothers less. I wish I had a daughter. Maybe she could be Angel's mate, but I am happy just seeing the future beta coming back home. I rallied my eyes to my dad again. So much fuss about a little wolf. I don't even know if I trust him to be my beta. My dad went back inside the packhouse, and I got up. Maybe I can find some shewolf willing to suck me. I need to shut my seed somewhere. I went to the training field, and I saw a pretty one. She smiled at me, willing to satisfy me. She was blond with beautiful light eyes. Almost as beautiful as Angel's eyes. I remember his eyes. He took my bread away every time he looked at me. The reason I was thinking about Angel at that moment was a mystery to me, so I shook the thought away from my head, and I signaled the pretty shewolf to come over. But luck was not at my side, and her father appeared and took her away by the arm. Damn, I'm really going to lose my balls. I was in the middle of the training field with a boner. I had to go away from there before someone saw me. Maybe I just need to restart chasing my damn mate, wherever she was. .
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