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In two days, I will be twenty. The butterfly feeling in my stomach won't just go away, like, something will happen. Well, this year is huge for me because I am becoming a full-grown woman. As you advance in life, responsibilities and expectations increase. It is not as if there will be a huge party. Just like every other year, pray and get a cupcake. The only special thing about this year is that it will serve as a reminder and deadline for me to get a job so that, I can become independent and help my brother out. My brother, Evans, has taken care of me for as long as I can remember. For once, I never lacked anything. Not that I was spoiled, but I had the necessary stuff. I still live with him in his cosy two-bedroom apartment. I occupy one room and he occupies the other. My room has a small bed, a bedside reading table, my mini wardrobe and a make-up stand. It is decorated mostly in yellow and white. We share the bathroom. The kitchen is mainly mine to dominate as I do all the cooking. That is the least I can do to show my gratitude. Although, once he tried to cook, he nearly set the house on fire. And, there is the little parlour decorated with black and pink, wooden tables, sofas, the flat screen and the giant wall clock which is the only thing we inherited from our parents. My parents were the irresponsible type. Their concern was how to do drugs and alcohol. I didn't have a good memory of them. Their disastrous lifestyle only pushed Evans and me to be responsible. They both overdosed and died when I was barely six. Today, I want to try my luck in looking for a job. I woke up as early as I could to get ready for my interview. I was able to apply at Grayson enterprise for the position of fashion designer and, I got scheduled for an interview today.  I kneel beside my bed and say my morning prayers which is an important routine. Next, I go to the bathroom to do my morning business, brush and shower. After taking my bath, I walked to my wardrobe tying my towel, "I must look irresistible". My wardrobe does not hold expensive outfits but, I scan carefully and thoroughly for the best clothing I have. Finally, I was able to pick this pink collared button-up shirt, black pants, pink closed-toe pumps, a black wristwatch, and the diamond earrings I got from my brother on my eighteenth birthday. I still wonder how he was able to afford this expensive piece. To match my dressing, I pack my hair in a sleek ponytail and apply mild natural makeup to finish up. Just when I was done, my alarm indicating that the time is 7:30 AM goes off, " s**t, I am going to be late for this interview". Quickly grabbing the black leather suitcase on my bedside table containing my documents and, glancing one last time at the full body mirror standing close to my wardrobe to make sure to look appropriate enough. I rushed down for a quick breakfast. I made a cup of black coffee with milk and two cubes of sugar for myself just to keep me going for the day. After a few sips, I pour the remaining content into the sink, rinsed and dried my cup before placing it back on the cupboard. "Evans!!!" I yelled out his name from the kitchen, but there was no response.  "That is strange". He is always annoyed at me yelling his name early in the morning. So, I called out three times, and he still did not respond. I hurried upstairs to his room, creak open his door only to find his bed dressed indicating that he either had already dressed the bed or he did not sleep on it. Knocking on the bathroom door once, twice and thrice, still, there was no response.  " This is unlike him" I got worried because he never sleeps out and even when he will be running late, he will always leave a text.  "Maybe it is nothing to be worried about" I shake off the feeling and head back downstairs, grab my suitcase and the door keys, lock the front door and, leave the keys under the flower vase.  I waved at a taxi and it stopped, "just my lucky day", I get into the taxi " 115 Grayson Avenue" I told the driver, and he drove off with me sitting there at the back wondering if I will be fortunate enough to get the job?
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