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LIGHT for DARKNESS is a work of the author's imagination. Disclaimer: LIGHT for DARKNESS is a dark romance and only meant for adults. This story contains s*x, b**m, rape, torture, violence and kidnapping content which some readers may find offensive. If it serves as a trigger of any kind, please avoid it. Read at your discretion. Screaming on top of my lungs as pain consumes me. The blood-spattered everywhere makes my intestine want to jump out of its position. "No Dad, come back to life" is all I could utter as I hugged tight his lifeless body.  "Now, let's clear the Avanta lineage once and for all," a deep hoarse voice said. He walked to where I was still holding my father's bullet-ridden body as if this simple act of mine will bring him back to life. With one swift movement, he shot my left shoulder.  "Nooooo!!!!!" I wriggled and struggled with myself until I woke up sweating profusely. "f***ing Nightmares again". I stretched a bit and checked the bedside clock, and it was 5 AM which means I need to get ready for the day. I am August Avanta, 31years old, handsome, rich, powerful, and dangerous. I never knew my mother and that is where my hatred for women grew because I never had a woman to shield me from the bitter experiences I had. My father showered me with nothing less than love and care, but this was shortened as I lost him at age 4. I knew my place in this world very early and learnt that you need to be powerful to survive, so I did everything to make sure that I was not only powerful but dangerous. I am currently a mafia lord, feared by many and my wrath consumes anyone who dares mess with me. Aside from my mafia empire which is the centre of my businesses, I've so many companies and investments. Currently, I am occupying my mansion in Seattle, and it is just a 20minutes drive to my headquarters. I am currently worth 49 billion dollars. It is been said that I've exquisite taste in both human and material things which is true. I do not get anything else apart from perfection and glamour. With this, one would say I am everyone's dream man, right? But No, I am no ordinary man, I am more. Walking into my Italian decorated bathroom to get ready for the business of the day and I feel this sharp piercing pain in my head. " This nightmare is reoccurring frequently recently more than ever". I ignored the discomfort in my head.  brushed my teeth, peers and filled the bathtub with hot water. I slide into the tub to relax and loosen up with this hot water hitting all the nerves in my system. After the long and soothing bath, I walked out and dried my body proceeding to my king-sized walk-in closet where my stylist was waiting to dress me up. I wear my briefs, "make me look irresistible, will you". He pairs a white long sleeve with a well-tailored blue Italian suit with a blue patterned tie, black Versace belt, black Italian shoe, pure black leather Dior wristwatch and Armenian custom-made perfume, for me.  For breakfast, I am served spaghetti with meatballs and wine. Normal people would have that for lunch or dinner, right? I am not normal. After my satisfying breakfast, I head to my garage to choose what vehicle I'll be driving today. My team of 12 men security unit in 3 black SUVs and armed to the teeth was already waiting for me.  My neon green $300,000 Lamborghini Huracán 2021 model is just the perfect car for today so I step into it, unbuttoning my Italian suit as not to leave it with a mess and drive into the city where I rule. 
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