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After getting dressed, I went to a pawn shop to sell my diamond earrings and the pearl necklace mum left for me. Evans had no idea about this, if not, he would never have approved of it. I felt bad that I was going to lose the only thing that had the memory of my mom but, I had to save us. Not having the diamond earrings which is the only expensive thing I have would be saddening a bit but all the same, I had a better source of joy, Evans. The pawnshop is a few blocks from our house so, I walked to it. Every dime is precious presently, so there is no luxury of paying for a cab. Getting to the shop, I walked to the counter, “Hi.” “Hi, how can I help you?” A man in his early 70s said nicely. “I'll like to pawn this diamond earring and pearl necklace.” I brought them out of my purse. After a few minutes which felt like forever and thorough inspections of the pieces with a microscope, “I'm giving $107,126 for the diamond earrings and $50,000 for the Pearl necklace. You have two years to pay back and with 20% interest or else, it will be sold off.” He said as he puts his inspection tools away. I had to hide my shock because it came to me as a surprise knowing the cost of both items for the first time. Evans spent a lot just on that piece and thank you mom for leaving this, it has saved us in a way. How could I ever turn a deaf ear when he is in trouble, he's all I've got. My best friend, boyfriend, father, mother and grandparents, all are what he represents. Losing him will mean losing myself. “Can't you go any higher?” I said to the old man. What he doesn't know is I need this money badly and, I am happy to know that I can still get them back when I have money. “No love, this is the highest I'll pay for both of them.” “Okay, we are good.” “Would you like cash or bank transfer?” He asked as he placed the diamond earrings in a transparent box and wrapped the pearl necklace in a gift box. “I would prefer cash, please.” I didn't bother to ask why he had the pearl in a gift box. “You have to sign this agreement document for me.” He brought out a paper After carefully reading through the document, word for word, I signed it. “Here you go. $157,126 in cash.” He handed over the money to me through a small hole that could only fit our hands. I counted the money to make sure it was complete and put them into my bag. “Thank you, Sir.” “Nice doing business with you. Do endeavour to come back when you've anything worth selling or pawning.” Smiling at me, he waved me goodbye. I smiled back at him and exited the shop. My walk home was cheerful because there is some cash we could use to wave those goons off for a while, giving us time to gather the rest. I was smiling at myself. The happiness I felt knowing that I am helping the only person I love out was overwhelming. Because of the excitement, I had no idea when I got home. Getting into the house, Evans was on the sofa opposite the television looking all tensed. “Where have you been? You got me worried.” “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.” “I don't mean bad but, you know now is not a good time to leave the house.” “Why?” “Ava baby, you don't understand what is happening. Just stay in, please, for me.” He pleaded. “Okay.” I went upstairs, kept the money away, changed into a T-shirt and shorts and came back down. “Have you had something to eat?” I asked him from the kitchen. “No, I am not hungry.” “You have to eat something, so you can take your drugs.” “You sound happy.” “I am happy.” “That is good.” He didn't ask further why I was happy. I went ahead to prepare macaroni and cheese for both of us. While I was cooking, he switched on the television, but one could tell that his attention wasn't on anything happening on that T. V instead he was lost in thought. The food was ready, so I decided to dish it on a plate for both of us. I went upstairs, grabbed his pills, brought water and served everything in the parlour. “I told you that I wasn't hungry.” “Now you are.” I rolled my eyes. I sat down and said the prayers before we started eating. We ate the food in silence. After dinner, I cleared the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, made sure he took his pills and took the rest back to the drug cabinet. After finishing everything, I decided to take a cold shower. Oddly, while I was in the shower, I remembered Mr Cute. Isn't that strange? I have not had a thought of him for some time now or maybe, I haven't had the sanity of thinking about anything happy. Thinking about him gave me this strange electrifying feeling. I have never felt this way before. “This doesn't feel right.” I washed up quickly, dried myself and wore my nightgown. Going downstairs, Evans was lying down with his eyes closed. “Hey, are you asleep?” I gently shook him to wake him up. He rose almost immediately. You could see that he was restless even in his sleep, and that broke my heart. I sat close to him, taking his hand in my hand, “I have $157,126 that we will use in paying off our debt.” He looked at me like what I said didn't make any sense at all. “Did you hear me, Evans?” “Loud and clear. How do you have such an amount of money?” “First, promise me that you won't be offended or ask me to reverse what I have done.” “I can't make a promise to what will hurt you.” “It won't hurt me. Just promise me.” “Ava what did you do?” He rose to his feet. “Evans promise me.” “Goddammit, what did you do?” “Getting angry won't get me to tell you anything. Just please promise me and sit down, please.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose and exhaled, “I promise.” He sat down. “Thank you,” I said, now more relaxed. “Just tell me what you did.” “Uhm- I pawned the diamond earrings you got me for my birthday and the necklace mum left me.” “You did what?” I could see his frustration. “Hey, hold on. I didn't sell them, I just pawned them. It is not as if we have a lot of choices here. We need to be safe before thinking about things we could always get back.” I said with pleading eyes. He saw the sense in what I did and couldn't disagree with me. “Thank you teddy. I promise to make everything right.” “You have always been the one fixing, let me help.” I hugged him. “We can use this with the $15,000 I have to buy more time from them.” “Yeah.” I yawned. The stress of the day was starting to wear me out. “Let's get you to bed, I am equally exhausted.” He walked me to my room and kissed me goodnight on my cheeks before going to his room. I was able to sleep like a baby knowing that things would get better. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of what was in store for me.
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