1 Prologue

1337 Words
Morris POV Heading to the plane after the longest business trip of my life, I'm exhausted. I've never had a client be such a demanding pain in the a**. My father wants to meet me as soon as I'm back in the city, but I have no desire to talk shop after the last three weeks. I also refuse to discuss my mother with him. He is the reason his life is exploding, and I'm glad my mother finally realized she deserves better than my cheating father. I grab my seat in first class intending to sleep the entire flight, but apparently, the universe has bigger plans for me. A woman with long auburn hair and emerald green eyes takes the seat next to me. She is beautiful and s*xy all at the same time. She is curvy and the top of her breasts are showing in her v-cut t-shirt just enough to make my mouth water. Get a grip on yourself, Morris. I'm having a self-induced dry spell from women. This job makes dating difficult. "Hi, my name is Elise. I guess we are going to be spending the four-hour flight together," she says with a smile that has me losing the power of speech. Once I finally get myself under control, I extend my hand to her. "Morris McNair, it's very nice to meet you Elise." I say my first name hoping she will say her last. "Elise Bodey" she says, taking my hand. I'm a guy and most of us don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in an instant connection. I swear the moment her hand is in mine I feel like lightning has struck me. We spend the four-hour flight talking and I enjoy every minute of it. I don't think I checked my phone once during the whole time we were talking. As soon as we land, I start to panic. I can't let this woman walk out of my life, especially now that I know she lives in the same city as me. "Elise, I've enjoyed this flight far more than any other I've ever taken and that's because of you. I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me some time." "I would really like that, Morris. Give me your phone" she says, and I don't think twice before putting in the pass code and handing it to her. Once she programs the phone with her number, she hands it back to me and I smile. She named herself sweet plane girl (Elise). I quickly shoot her a text, wondering what she'll put me under. Before I can ask, she turns her phone to face me. A smile spreads across my face. "Sexy plane guy (Morris)" is on the screen. God, everything in me wants to lean in and press my lips to this woman's, but I don't want to scare her off. Once we are both off the plane, I walk her to her car. "You really didn't need to walk me to the car, Morris. I'm a pretty tough girl. Having four older brothers toughens you up," she says, and I laugh. "Well, I only have one younger sister, so I'll take your word for it." Before I can stop myself, I lean in and press a kiss on her cheek. "I'll text you soon," I say before she slides into her beat-up car. I guess I assumed she had money since she was in first class, not that I care, but it makes me want to give her everything she could ever wish for if she's been struggling. I make my way back to the pick-up line and slide into my town car. "Where to sir?" He is only asking as a courtesy. He knows I have to return to the office or my father will show up on my doorstep. "To the office Mike." It takes us thirty minutes to pull up to the building that bares my last name. I head straight to my office and when I step inside, my father is helping himself to my top shelf bourbon. "Dad, why are you here already?" "Morris, don't start your little tantrum about privacy and boundaries. I want to hear how the meetings went." "The meeting went fine. I got all three contracts signed, and we should see a huge jump in revenue in the next quarter." "Excellent, I'm glad to know you learned from the best" he says, and I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Now, I need to talk to you about your mother." "Don't," I cut him off, but he continues on. "Morris, if she divorces me, not only will I lose everything, but so will you. She could take the company from you." "So, you don't want mom back because you love her, it's because she has you by the b**ls. I've already made it clear to you that I'm not getting involved in what's going on between you and mom. You made this bed by f**king everything in a skirt." He grits his teeth and I know he wants to rage at me, but I am the only person he has left, so he reigns it in. "How many times a day do women throw themselves at you, Morris. It comes with the amount of power we hold. I may have strayed over the years, but your mother was always taken care of. Everyone is so focused on the women I slept with. What about all the p**sy I turned down because of your mother" he says. "Yes, that makes you a real prince charming dad. You know what I'm tired, and I think I've earned the night off, so if you will excuse me." " You have earned it. You should find a willing woman and" he starts to say, but I cut him off. "I am nothing like you, dad, and I never will be." Elise POV As soon as I pull into my parents' driveway, I'm greeted by my oldest brother Connor. "There is the fancy artist. How many paintings did you sell" he asks, lifting me off the ground in a bone-crushing hug. "All of them," I whisper, and he practically hoots. You can take the boy out of the country, I think to myself, as he sets me on my feet. We were raised in Texas but moved here when I was in high school. He leads me into the house and my mom is in the kitchen. "There is my baby girl" she rushes over when she sees me. "I was only gone for a week mom." "Hush, just because you're grown and live at your own place doesn't mean I don't miss you when you're gone for a week. You'll always be my baby" she says, and I smile. "How was the trip," my dad asks when he walks into the kitchen. "Good, I sold all my paintings and the owner of the gallery wants me to put on another show in the fall." "I'm so proud of you, baby girl." "Thank you, dad," I say wrapping my arms around him for a hug. Dinner is amazing, as it always is. I love it when all of us get together. None of my brothers have settled down yet, but Connor has a serious girlfriend. Ebony is amazing, and I'm hoping he locks that girl down soon. "Besides your successful show, did you have fun in New York," Jacob asks. My mind immediately conjures up the amazing man I met on the plane. "Based on that smile I'd say something happened" my mother says. "I met a guy on the plane." My brothers and father look like they swallowed a bunch of lemons. "You're too young to be worrying about boys" my father says, and I can't help but laugh. "Dad I'm twenty. You and mom were married at eighteen. Besides, I just met him. That doesn't mean I'm going to marry him."
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