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The ride to school was slightly awkward. Not because she just had s****l activities with Colton, but that Hunter and Zeke were also in the car, and every time she and Colton looked at each other, she felt herself blush, which made him chuckle. As they got out of the car, Hunter finally said something about it, "What's going on with you two?" Esme was blushing again and Colton smirked slightly, but said, "We've made up. That's all." "Hmmm," was all he said, not falling for it. His suspicions were correct, however, but they weren't going to tell him that. After all, she had no idea how Colton felt about other people knowing about their activities. They hadn't even discussed their relationship status and maybe it wouldn't even happen again. Maybe they both just needed to get it out of their

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