Missing home

2568 Words

Waking up the next morning, a smile formed on Colton's face as he remembered what had happened in the early hours of the morning. He looked at his phone, saw it was 9 o'clock, and thought he'd have a little fun himself. He threw on some grey jogging bottoms, went to the bathroom to use the toilet and clean his teeth, then advanced to Esme's room. Without bothering to knock or be quiet about entering her room, he shoved the door hard, making it bang against the wall. "Wakey wakey rise and shine!" He sang loudly as he walked over to her bed. Esme sat up in alarm, her eyes wide in panic as she wondered what the hell was happening. Seeing Colton smirking at her from her bedside, she relaxed a little before placing her hand on her forehead and shouting, "What the hell Colton! Why are you maki

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