An agreement

1622 Words
A knock on the door woke me up, I rubbed my eyes wearily, I did not know when I had fallen asleep, I must have cried myself to sleep. I got down from the bed dressed up, and stared at my face in the mirror, My eyes were red and swollen and my hair was a bit messy. I combed it with my fingers and breathed out heavily before I opened the door. I met with the smiling face of Elisa, it withered off her face when she saw me. I bet I looked awfully with the look she gave me. “Why are you here?” My voice sounded hoarse, and a bit cracked. “I was asked to come check you but before we get to that, there’s someone here to see you.” She moved away and the figure behind her came into view. “What is he doing here?” I held the door handle tightly. “I heard you are refusing to be a breeder?” Argus glowered and came closer to me. I was going to shut the door at him if he tried to touch me. Theo placed a hand on his shoulders and made him retreat his steps. “Open the door, Aria. He won’t be able to do anything while I’m here.” He assures me. “Let’s talk inside. Wait here, Elisa. Come with me.” He pulled Argus into the room and shut the door. They sat down on the couch and I took an empty chair in front of them with my hands running down my thighs. “The Alpha won’t hesitate to wipe out your pack if there’s a mark on her body.” Argus flashed his a reassuring smile. “Beta Theo, can you excuse us for a moment, there is something I need to say to her, and don’t worry we will sort it out.” Theo stared at him and then looked over at me. He nodded and stood up from the couch. “You have five minutes.” He told him and gave us some privacy. “Do you know how much the Alpha paid for you? It’s a huge amount. Don’t you understand why he paid such an amount? Because I was willing to give him to you because no one else was willing to give their daughters to him.” “I’m not your daughter, Why would you give me to him and ruin my life?” “You were disturbing my daughter, you were the odd one in the pack. Why should we keep you.” He snickered. “If you want your parents to live you had better compile else I wouldn’t hesitate to kill them. You know I have them.” “You won’t hurt them!” I shouted. He laughed. “Another complaint from you, and I would kill them. You don’t want them to lose their lives because of you.” “I don’t believe you.” He nodded took out a phone from his pocket and showed me a photo for some seconds. They were tied on a chair, their mouth covered and their head was down. “So? Should I give them the go-ahead? We would both be at a loss. Is that what you want, erm...Aria?” He returned the phone to his pocket. “Is my father alive?” My chest was pounding so loud. He sneered and lifted himself from the couch. “Your parents love you so much, don’t they? Is this how you are going to pay them back for all they have done for you?” “Tell me!” I shouted. “Your decision will determine if they will live or not.” I fell on my knees and held his trousers. “Don’t harm them please, I’m begging you, Alpha Argus. Let my parents live, I will do anything you want.” He kicked me on the stomach and hit me again, but I didn’t let go of his feet. I could take his beating. “Do you agree?” “Yes, I agree.” “I will be his breeder but you have to let my parents go.” I pleaded with him. “You have made a good choice.” He snarled and adjusted his suit. I could feel his eyes searching for his body. His eyes were on the nape of my neck and I quickly covered them with my hair. He cleared his throat and wriggled his leg out of my grip. “Do not resist the Alpha and do as you are told. That way your parents and you will live.” That was the last words he said before he walked out of the room. I remained on the ground, crying with my head buried in my hands. A pair of hands touched me on my shoulders and I flinched at the touch. “It’s okay, it’s me.” Elisa’s calm voice whispered, and ran her hand down my arm, When she tried to hug me, I whined as the side of my ribs hurt. “Did he hit you?” She asked me with worried eyes. “Did he...Theo!” “No, don’t.” I stopped her from calling Theo. I don’t want him to know about it. “Sit up.” She helped me to sit on the chair and I wiped my tears. “I will get you some water.” She left my side and went into the kitchen to get some water. The room was bigger than I thought, I had everything I would need in this room. She came back shortly with a glass of water and I drank from it and thanked her. “Why didn’t you want to tell Theo that he hit you? Laikan wouldn’t have allowed that, he would have given a punishment. You are owned by the Alpha now.” Her eyes were on me the entire time. She was the only one who had been nice to me since I got here. There might be a reason why, but I did not want to ask her about it. Why she was nice to me? “I was told the Alpha gave you some time.” “A day,” I mumbled and dropped the empty glass of water on the round table in front of me. “He’s being patient with you, I think. It’s not like him, but I guess it's all for the better, isn’t it? I will take off the bandage on your forehead.” She takes off the bandage and cleanses my forehead. “How did you get this? Did Argus...?” “It wasn’t him.” I don’t want to talk about how I got it, because it would involve talking about my parents. “It will leave a scar.” She sighs sadly. “What will leave a scar?” The voice made us jump from the couch, My palms were clammy as his deep baritone voice asked. “It’s the wound on her forehead, Alpha,” Elisa answered quietly with her head kept low. I did not notice when he came in. The door must have been opened. “Lift your shirt.” My hands were shaky but I had to carry out his orders. I lift my shirt revealing my stomach. “Turn to the side.” I did as he instructed, and he saw the bruise on the side of my ribcage. He narrowed his eyes at it for a long time, saying nothing further but simply staring at it. His intense gaze made me uncomfortable. Without another word, he left the room and slammed the door hard behind me. I flinched at the sound and sat down again. How did he know about it? “That was from earlier was it?” Elisa asked. I have to lie, because every decision I was going to make and whatever I would say. I have to think of my parents. “I got it from an accident,” I said. “You can’t lie to me, I’m your doctor. I’m the one who examined you when you came to the pack hospital. You didn’t have these bruises on you. The Alpha has found out, that you got hurt.” “So?” “You still don’t get it?” She looked at me with a puzzled frown. I shook my head at her. “You are naive, Aria.” She gave me some drugs. “You shouldn’t be taking these painkillers but because you have no wolf and your healing abilities aren’t active. You have to take them. From now on, till you give birth. Nobody has a right to touch you or harm you in any way. Your body must be in perfect condition to carry the King's heir.” She explained to me and took the box that she came with. I stood up after her and walked her to the door. I was suddenly curious, Why didn’t the Alpha have a child? Jeema said he was an old man but he wasn’t the one man I had pictured to see. “Why doesn’t he have a child?” I blurt out the question to her. Elisa halted on her track at my question and snapped her head in my direction. She glanced sideways. “His fated mate could not bear a pup, years even after they stayed together but she wasn’t able to give him a pup,” Elisa whispered to me. ‘That’s why he killed her?’ Would he kill me as well if I couldn’t bear one? The answer I knew so well, and fear engulfed me.
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