Keeping secrets

1092 Words
~Alpha King~ “Did you find out?” I picked up the paperwork on the table and glanced through it. I brightened the light in the room and sipped from my tea. I had to take them to calm my nerves, and Argus was trying to mess with me. I have sent a warning, and that was the last. I won’t hesitate to bring him down if he violates it. I stared at the blank wall as if something was interesting in it. “Yes, Alpha.” “I thought you wouldn’t be interested in the girl, it was never our plan to look into what happened to her parents or her past life, Alpha, or what they did to her,” Theo stated politely, making me turn. I frowned at him. I never wanted to but she bothers me. “You shouldn’t let her get to you, Alpha.” “Tell me,” I growled. “Her father was killed, and her mother is in prison at Silverfang pack.” “Does she know about her father’s death?” I dropped the teacup and sat at the table with my hands folded, staring hard at Theodore. “She is not aware of her father’s death, Alpha. Should I tell her about it?” He furrowed his brows, with a sardonic smile. “No, she mustn’t know. Keep it a secret from her.” I remarked amiably. Theo bowed and I waved him off to leave the room, I wanted to spend some time alone with my thoughts but he was reluctant to leave. “Do you care about her Alpha?” Theo muttered, that was what he wanted to ask. I studied his face, he had a plain look and was just a bit curious. Theo has been with me for a long time. We worked together, as Alpha and Beta before I became the Alpha King. The one who knew me best was him. Theodore, my Beta. I smirked and spoke softly. “No.” I still couldn’t tell him that the moon goddess had decided to bless my wolf and me, with a second chance mate. It wasn’t something we wanted or hoped for, we have given up on it. This wasn’t the time to tell Theodore, I cannot tell him yet. “I do not want any obstacle in getting what needs to be done. Understand?” “Yes, Alpha.” He brought his head lowered, and walked towards the door, before he existed a knock came in which made him halt in his track. “Alpha, it’s Gemma Lucious. Bringing report from the borders.” “Come.” Theo opened the door, and he hurried in as if he had been chased. His hair was messy, there was blood on his lips and his shirt was torn. I stood up from the table and met with Lucious, I clenched my jaw tightly. Lucious was not an easy Wolf to take down, he was one of the strongest warriors I have in my Pack. “What happened?” “Rogues. I think they came in as a spy.” “You didn’t inform me of the situation.” “We were attacked before we could do anything,” He kept his head down, staring at my feet. “Tightened the security at the borders, make sure you search everyone thoroughly who goes through the borders. This must not happen again.” I grit out and tighten my fist. “Theo.” “Yes, Alpha.” He stood beside Lucious with his hands folded behind him. “Meet with the Alpha of the closest pack and find out if there was a rogue attack in their pack as well. He nodded curtly and left the room, leaving Lucious standing. “Go on with your report.” His lips parted but he said nothing and lowered his head again. “I think the rogues are trying to bring war to the pack but we can’t let that happen, Alpha.” He muttered eventually, I rubbed my jaw with a finger. “They were probably looking for a loophole in the pack, though we are not afraid of war but the target might be you, Alpha. That was the conclusion we got.” He lifted his head and stared at me for a moment before he averted his gaze. “If they want war, we will give them war, be prepared, and tighten the borders. But...” I exhaled and stared at him, his eyes were on my feet. “It won’t happen now, they probably came to spy on the pack and test our strength. It’s been more than a decade since there was a rogue attack.” “You are right, Alpha.” “Leave,” I ordered and he bowed and turned towards the door, walked briskly out of the room. I sighed and opened the drawers taking a picture from it, it was a portrait of my mate. I wiped it with a small frame with my hand and stared at the radiant smile on her face. ‘No one can replace you. Not even her.’ I whispered and kept them back on the drawers. ‘Do you want to reject her as our mate?’ My wolf muttered. ‘She’s weak and just a breeder.’ ‘But she’s our mate.’ ‘She would not be accepted!’ I growled at him, breathing heavily. ‘She is going to produce an heir to the pack and nothing else!’ ‘But Laikan you know that we’ve got some of the powers we lost because of her, as if a broken part of us has been restored.” ‘No more but. We are not having this conversation!’ I snarled and closed the mind link. The reason she was here was to give me an heir and continue my legacy. She would be killed after it, and everyone who has been involved with her will disappear from the pack as well. That was the plan before I found out she was my mate, but it wasn’t going to change any of those plans so hastened it. Since the rogues are threatening to attack the pack, I would probably end it all and keep her safe if she was carrying my pup at that time or had given birth and sent her away or given her to the rogues. I shook my head lightly at the thought, took my coat and wore it on, and left the room for some wolf hunting.
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