Chapter 9

1440 Words

Chapter Nine I take a seat next to Ambrose and wait silently until we get more news. "I wish we could have brought Rover in with us," I say, though I can accept why that's not allowed. I don't imagine they let many dogs into hospital waiting rooms. "He's adorable." “Hmm-hmm,” Ambrose hums. He must be really stressed if he can’t even gush over his dog. I try to think of something else I can say to distract him but I come up empty. I don’t think my usual antics are appropriate here and I don’t want to make things even more uncomfortable than they are. Especially when we still don't know exactly what we're facing. Other than a woman with no arms. We've established that much. But she's still in surgery and they're refusing to release more information to us until we have the warrant sent th

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