Chapter 8

1246 Words

Chapter Eight Rover chases after the waves with more energy than he has any right to. I worry he’ll run off without his lead but Ambrose doesn’t seem worried. A white wave of foam rolls onto the beach and submerges my ankles. The cold water prickles my skin but it’s a pleasant sensation. Relaxing. It’s also making me feel guilty when I think about the mermaid without legs. The sensation of water running over her body was probably one of her favourite things in the world and some f****d up creep stole that from her. And not just her either if her family are to be believed. They're banned from returning to the sea because of what he did to her. “Why are we here?” I ask Ambrose. "Or do you often solve murders while going on walkies?” He chuckles as he rolls up the bottom of his trousers

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