XXV. The Contract

2317 Words

Sapphire               “We’re here.”             The calm voice of Sky Butler said as he got out of his car. We just parked in the basement parking lot of his company after a short drive to hell. How could he be so calm? Throughout the whole drive, I was clutching my seat for dear life. I could not even open my mouth and scream at him to slow the f**k down.             When I finally got of his car, I could not help but looked around. It felt really creepy as we walked towards the elevator. My pointed heels echoed at the dimly-lit basement at every footstep. I looked like an i***t, tailing my boss like a puppy. When we finally got in the elevator, he pressed the 52nd floor.             “Is it the top floor?” I just wanted to know.             “Why do you ask?” He asked, putting h

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