XXIV. Caught and Guilty

2143 Words

Sapphire               Have you broken your mother’s favorite chinaware? How did it feel? Terrifying, right? Maybe, your mother did not know until she saw it in the trash bin. She called you up and that was when all hell broke loose.             Beads of ‘terrified’ sweat started forming on my forehead, below my hairline and on the side of my brows. My feet were glued to the ground. I felt frozen in the spot like I just did an ice bucket challenge. I remembered years ago when I accidentally broke one of my Mom’s favorite chinaware while I was washing the dishes. It was a tea cup. I did not mean to do it. It slipped from my wet hands. I threw it in the trash bin, but she found it. When she called me up, I was like a deer caught in the headlights when she showed to me the broken cup.  

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