XIII. Vulnerable

2392 Words

Sapphire               “Classic Italian Spaghetti, Lamb Salad with Fregola, Smoked Pork Jowl with Pickles, and Classic Chocolate Mousse Cake will be right up, Sir.” I repeated reading the customers’ order on my notepad, just to make sure. Smiling at the family, I turned on my heels to turn their orders in to the kitchen. They were a family of four with two sons who chose to have dinner in our restaurant.             Heading to another table, I entertained a woman around her thirties. “Hi, I’m Saph, I’ll be your server for tonight. What would you like to start with?” I greeted her politely.             “I would like to have your best red wine.” She said. She looked so professional in that blue corporate suit with matching pencil skirt. I wanted to wear those.             I smiled. “

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