Chapter 8

2000 Words

I felt Sinister run by my side, I squinted as he pulled out his gun, and suddenly shadowed men descended upon us. I screamed as I felt myself being dragged away. I couldn't see anything, and tears from the gas pooled down my cheeks. I managed to grab my gun from my leg strap and in a flash, I smashed my captor across the face, I felt the bone of his nose crumble under the pressure. He stumbled back and using that moment, I fired a shot into the center of his skull. I pressed the cloth closer to my face, if it was even possible, I felt my breathing becoming slower. Suddenly a shadow came out of nowhere, and roughly grabbed me. You should know that I Grey Aleksei Dante Ravenwood, do not like to be touched, grabbed, poked, hit or manhandled by anyone. So I shot him in the head. And f

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