Chapter 7

2013 Words

"Enjoying the view?" The all too farmiliar voice came from behind me. I turned and smiled, "It's really pretty." He had finally put on a tight black shirt, his eyes were more alert than last night, they're ice blue was shimmering. "When are Slayer and Xavier going to be here?" I asked. "Oh, they got in early this morning. they're setting up cameras in the hallway." The only person I was happy to see was Xavier, considering he was the only one who had been half decent to me. I ran out into the hallway, he was climbing down from a I did the only thing logical in this moment of time. I jumped into his arms. Wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck I laughed. "Whoa haha, What's this for?" He asked with a laugh as he wrapped his hands around my back, givi

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