Chapter 16

3728 Words

I laid down my bed with my hands against my face I was embarrassed. Actually back in my home town, my aunt used to say, 'If anyone dies a virgin, they will be considered as a virgin ghosts and will be considered submissive among others. They will always seek s*x with humans and will hunt for them.' I actually believed her and made up the wish to die not virgin in my mind and now I am ashamed of it. 'Thud', again a noise came in my room, Half of my heart wanted it to be Swarez and half didn't. I removed hands from my face slowly opening my eyes, he was Swarez looking at me with his blue eyes penetrating me as usual, and this time his cheeks were red. He came toward me, his every step near me was creating little butterflies under my stomach and the small hair from my neck to thigh was going

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