
1685 Words

Pitch black. Silence. "Please somebody help me!" No response. Her breaths get shorter and shorter, her heart starts beating rapidly as she hums' to calm herself down and counts 1...2...2... ...3...with heaviness strapping her down, she managed to wiggle her legs lay dormant her arms are set free. She sucked in a breath, felt as though she was being pulled into cold running water. But that wasn't it. She wasn't wet from thinking she was in the water, she was wet because of her sweat. She tried to move again, but yet again, she felt being strapped. Like a heavy hand was pressing her back. She fought to open her eyes, have a look at what was happening, but her eyes weren't cooperating. They wouldn't budge. Suddenly, a thick hand wrapped itself around her frail neck, and she squeezed her ey

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