15. His shirt

996 Words
That oddly familiar, fresh masculine scent engulfed my every sense, completely relaxing my body and mind, my eyelids slowly fluttering open,suddenly finding myself gazing into those deep blue irises, lovingly staring right back into mine, his perfect plump lips slightly curling up in a warm,affectionate smile, making my heart flutter in excitement. Wait, what?What the f**k is he doing in here? I suddenly jumped like a scaredy cat, falling off the bed on the hard floor in the process with a loud thud, escaping a small shriek. Untangling the sheet covering my bare legs I slowly sat up and carefully peered on the bed, only to find no one there. What the hell? Now I'm imagining things? I shook my head, trying to clear my clouded mind then slowly got up, stretching my numb limbs.The events from last night kept replaying in my head, making it hard for me to fall asleep...I laid awake on that bed almost the entire night… I can't even remember when did I eventually manage to fall asleep...All I know, is that my brother's hurtful words were still engraved in my mind,painfully stabbing my heart, each time I remembered them. I straightened my back, wincing in pain at the feeling of my bruised bum then walked in the en-suite bathroom to take a quick shower. After I finished that hot shower, relaxing all my sore muscles,I wrapped a towel around my body and walked outside, in my haziness only now realizing that I didn't have anything else to wear besides those dirty clothes I wore last night. Shit. I can't go outside wearing only this tiny towel. And I can't wear those same dirty clothes either. Fuck...What to do? I aimlessly paced around a few times, trying to come up with a solution until my eyes landed on the walk-in closet door. That's it! I could search for something in there. Without wasting another moment I hurried inside, crazily rummaging through the clothes. Much to my dismay, I couldn't find anything else more fitting and covering as well than a long sleeved shirt, falling on mid-thigh and a pair of black boxer briefs that were loosely clinging on my small hips, threatening to fall off any moment, every other clothing article in that closet being way too big for my tiny frame. Relatively satisfied with my choice, I walked outside then entered the bathroom, checking on my appearance, not bothering to blow dry my hair as it was already almost dried.I guess having a shoulder-length bob haircut has its perks. So after combing my hair a little, I got out and exited the room, deciding to search the kitchen first as I couldn't properly function without my daily coffee dose. My bare feet hurriedly padding on the cold marble stairs were the only sound disrupting the gravely silence as I jogged downstairs, my eyes attentively scanning the area for any human presence once I reached the bottom. Noticing there wasn't anyone else around besides me I decided to try to find that damned kitchen on my own, so carefully looking at my surroundings, I passed the dining room and walked at the very end of the grand hallway, stopping at the very last door. Pushing it open, I then carefully peered inside, smiling in satisfaction once I noticed I have successfully found it. Walking inside, I set my eyes on the complex coffee machine and hurried to roam inside the cabinets, searching for a mug. "Morning,” A cheerful, masculine voice greeted from behind me, startling the hell out of me, suddenly feeling the briefs I was currently wearing almost slipping down my thighs if it wasn't for my quick reflexes, my hand quickly clutching on the waistband, keeping them in place. I slowly turned around, only to face a very chirpy, slightly amused Raphael.His dark, almost back orbs sparkled in amusement for some unknown reason,watching my every move, making me curiously raise one eyebrow. However, I chose to act well-mannered and responded to his greeting."Good morning to you too, sunshine, “I groggily replied, then turned around and pressed the Start button, placing my mug in the designated space, waiting for the coffee to start pouring. Hearing him escape a small chuckle, I questioned his sanity fora fleeting moment, before I suddenly heard him say, "Hmm...Impressive. First, we caught you two smooching around, and now you're wearing his shirt. Well done brother. Well done." His shirt? "Whaat??" I screeched, quickly spinning around to face him, but as soon as I did, I accidentally noticed Azrael standing just a few steps away from us, a deep frown marring his features, his bare arms crossed over his shirt-clad chest, looking all angry and menacing. Only as soon as his gaze landed on me, for an unknown reason, his eyes suddenly widened, staring at me utterly shocked. What the hell? Am I too...indecent, or something? I watched how his adam apple bobbed up and down a few times,blinking repeatedly, looking somewhere down my legs then awkwardly cleared his throat, so I followed his eyesight, gasping in pure shock and embarrassment once I've realized what he was looking at. Much to my horror, the boxers I was wearing were now on the floor, pooling at my ankles. "And now he made your panties drop. Literally!"Raphael stated, bursting in a fit of laughter, clutching on his stomach. "Holy s**t!" I loudly cursed, feeling my cheeks burning in shame.I started to desperately drag the flimsy shirt, stupidly trying to somehow cover some more skin even though my private areas were already safely covered by it, but apparently I was making it even worse as the see-through fabric was now tightly pressed against my breasts, giving them quite a show, judging by Azrael's shocked state, staring at me like I were a piece of tasty candy, his deep blue orbs darkening by the second, making my heart race like at a marathon. "Okay guys, show's over."
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