14. Not that type of girl

1121 Words
After hours of begging and excusing himself for those words he finally gave up and walked away from the door as I kept crying in silence this whole time, curling myself in a ball on the bed, between the silky white sheets. I still couldn't believe that he was actually capable of saying those words... My own brother, my own blood... "Blake?" Leila's soft tone called from behind the door, drawing my attention, making me quickly sit up, wiping my wet cheeks. "Leila." "Blake, can I come in?" "Are you alone?" "Yes, I swear." "Good." I got up and went to the door and unlocked it, carefully opening it then peered outside, making sure there wasn't anyone else besides her and once I’ve convinced myself, I opened it wider, letting her inside, quickly closing it and locking it back afterwards. "God, Blake, I'm so sorry..." She mumbled in a saddened tone, hurrying to give me a warm hug once I turned around. "I know,” I whispered, burying my face in her shoulder,barely containing the tears threatening to spill all over again. We stood there for a couple of moments, tightly hugging each other, my loud sobs filling the silent air, taking my time to calm myself down. After I finally managed to regain some composure, I slowly let go of her and walked straight towards the huge bed, plopping myself on it while she quietly followed, then grabbed one pillow and buried my face in it. I don't know why, of how, but for some reason, the scent lingering on the surface felt so familiar...Oddly familiar... "Why did you do it?" Leila's concerned tone suddenly pulled me out of my drifting thoughts, quickly rising my chin back up, curiously gazing at her as she took a seat on the bed, crossing her legs. "Huh?" "Why did you do it? I know you, I know you wouldn't jump on anyone just like that, so why? Why did you do it?" She asked again,tilting her head to the side. I sighed, tiredly rubbing my temples, closing my eyes for a brief moment, "He was asking questions about Mitch, Leila. And you know what would've happened if my brother found out about that,” I quietly explained,earning a nod from her. "So when I heard Rick banging and shouting like a lunatic,I did the only thing that crossed my mind, in order to distract both that pain in the ass of a cop and my i***t of a brother so that no one would get hurt...Except me..." I sadly whispered the last part, lowering my head again, feeling yet again that stabbing pain in my chest, caused by those hurtful words. Those words... "Is that why you came here? To "get some"?" Those words kept repeating themselves on and on in my head,making it hard for me keep myself together without bursting in another fit of crying. "B, I'm so sorry..." She whispered again and moved closer, engulfing me in a tight, warm hug. "Come on now, let's go home,” She whispered in a soothing,gentle tone. However, her words made me suddenly pull back, vehemently rejecting her pleading. "No! I'm not going anywhere! I'm not going anywhere near that asshole!" "What? But where are you going to stay?" She asked,curiously staring back at me. "I don't know," I shrugged,"I think I'm going to ask Luc to let me crash here for a few days, until I figure out what to do." "Oh..." She slowly nodded,“Or maybe you could come with me at mine, if you want,” She then suggested, but I hurriedly denied,"No. You know that if he finds out I'm staying at yours he'll come there and barge in like he owns the place, then bust my brains until I give up." "Oh...yeah…” She nodded again. "Blake! Can I come inside?" Luc's muffled voice called from behind the door, making me hurriedly get up and unlock the door, slowly opening it. There he stood, looking down at me with a trace of concern glinting in his steely gray orbs, his hands shoved deep in his dress pants pockets, his immaculate white shirt slightly unbuttoned at the top and his sleeves rolled up his forearms. "Are you alone?" I asked, quickly peering somewhere behind him, checking the hallway for any intruders. "Of course,” He nodded, giving me a light smile so I stepped aside, motioning for him to enter. "Oh, Erick asked me to tell you that he is waiting for you downstairs,” He briefly informed Leila as soon as he noticed her sitting on the bed, earning a simple nod, her cheeks suddenly turning a light shade of pink at the mention of my brother. "I guess I better get going then,” She silently said,timidly keeping her gaze down, then got up from the bed and gave me one last hug. "Good night, B,” She whispered, placing a small kiss on my cheek. "Good night, Leila,” I sadly smiled, reluctantly letting goof her. She gave me a light smile and with a single last glance, she then exited the room, slowly closing the door behind her. I then walked towards the bed, tiredly plopping myself on it while Luc followed. "Feeling any better?" He spoke in a warm, calm tone. I simply shook my head, lowering my gaze,"How could I feel better, after those words? My own brother talked to me like I were one of those whores he occasionally fucks..." I bitterly replied, grabbing the same pillow, tightly hugging it to my chest, struggling to keep my tears at bay. He sighed, placing a hand on my knee,"Listen, maybe I don't know the reason of why you did it, but I certainly do know that you are definitely not that type of girl,” He kindly said, his words making me slowly raise my chin, looking back at him. "And anyone who thinks otherwise is just a plain douchebag,” He stated, earning a small chuckle from me, his features lighting up the moment he noticed me smiling. "Now, you should get some rest. It's pretty late anyway,”He stated, briefly checking the black expensive watch on his wrist. "Yeah, about that...I was going to ask you, would you mind if I stay here, for a few days?Just until I figure out on what to do next,” I asked, hopefully gazing up at those steely gray eyes. "Of course," He warmly smiled, his big warm hand lightly squeezing my bare knee,"My house is your house.You take your time,” He kindly said then leaned closer, gently placing a small, chaste kiss on my forehead. "Thank you."
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