Heavy Losses

2388 Words
Marissa Violet eyes. She had violet eyes. Sneering. Laughing. Evil. Violet eyes. I groaned as I tried to sit up, something heavy keeping me from moving much. I opened my eyes slowly, looking up at the ceiling above. “Slowly.” Yvonnes voice was soothing as her hand and my shoulder stopped me from moving too much. “I can’t move.” I mumbled and she chuckled softly. She took my hand and guided it towards my lap, setting it down on soft fur. “He refused to leave you since we found you in the field. He hasn’t shifted since then either. I suspect it’s his wolf refusing to give up control. No doubt seeing you hurt scared him.” I stroked his fur gently. “What happened?” “Later. You need to rest now. We can speak more when you are more awake.” She pat my shoulder and got up, closing the door behind her. I sighed and closed my eyes, slipping back into sleep. I woke up to darkness, his weight still on me. I felt alot more rested the second time and I had to push against him to shift to sitting up. “f*****g wolf.” I grumbled as he begrudgingly moved so I could sit up. He moved to the side of me, sitting so I could lean against him. I stretched slowly, feeling my body out. I was sore all over and my shoulder and stomach hurt. I looked down, lifting my shirt, and noticing my abdomen was wrapped tightly in bandages. He whined at me, licking my cheek. “It will heal.” I reassured him. I turned and took his head in my hands, staring into his eyes. “I appreciate you protecting me. I love you for that, but I need Jackson back. Okay?” He whined again and I leaned forward, pressing a kiss on his snout. “Please?” I asked as I got up out of bed and ducked into the bathroom. Finishing up in there and washing my hands, I exited to find Jackson standing outside of door. As soon as I opened the door and looked at him, he reached out and pulled me into his arms. “Westley has refused to swap control since he found you on the field. “ “Ah Westley.” I said. “I have been wondering your wolfs name.” “Sorry. It didn’t seem to come up sooner.” He sheepishly responded. “He has been rather annoyed with me about that.” I smiled as I leaned in and kissed him. I stepped away from him and sat on the bed. “So tell me what happened.” I demanded as he sat beside me. He hesitated. “Jackson?” I asked, anxiety gripping me. “They said the first coven evacuated well. The second one, the one we were at, those witches complicated things.” He hesitated once more, seeming to avoid talking about much more. “Tell me.” I insisted. “We warned the others to get out and then then Westley turned to come back when we felt your pain. He took off to get to you, but we kept hitting hunters along the way. Once the barrier came down they had flooded to the village, setting buildings on fire. We got to the field in time to see the hunter shoot you, and Westley went berserk, tearing his throat out. We tried to take down the witch you had been fighting but she opened a portal and pulled the other one through.” He stopped for a moment. “How did we get out?” “Yvonne showed up, opening a portal to the field to gather who was still outside of the coven gates. Her sister Ella was with her and Westley ran to them, demanding their attention. They followed to you. I am not sure what they did, but Ella placed her hands over your stomach and the bleeding stopped. He lay down and they were able to get you onto his back, and he carried you through the portal. He blocked me out from then until you convinced him to shift back.” “I didn’t know he could do that.” I murmur. “Not normally but this time he definitely proved stronger.” He chuckled. A knock at the door got our attention and he went to open it, stepping back so that Ella could come in. I smiled at her as she came to sit with me, inspecting my wounds. “How did evacuations go?” I asked. She didnt answer at first, insisting on working. “Ella?” “Most of the coven made it out but when the barrier fell.” She paused before telling me what happened. “We got most of them out but many ran back to stop the fires and the hunters took advantage of the chaos. We lost many of the witches.” She finished rewrapping my stomach and shifted to my shoulder. I lowered my walls, the heaviness around me weighing on me. I turned to Jackson. “The wolves?” His sadness overhwelmed me the most and he closed his eyes, taking a deep inhale. “We lost twenty wolves.” He said quietly, opening his eyes to look at me. “However you lost more witches.” “The loss is equally felt on both sides.” Ella said. She stood up and stopped in front of me, lifting my face to look into my eyes. “Put it back up dear. The sadness here is overwhelming. Yet, there was still good. Most of the coven got out and the final coven on their map was completely evacuated. We may have had losses but we also had wins.” She smiled as she let go of my face, heading out of the room. She pat Jackson on the shoulder before she left, pausing to tell him “I would wager we also gained new allies.” Leaving us alone. Jackson came and sat with me, pulling me against him as he held me close. “Michael?” I asked and he nodded. “Your high priestess got him home so he could report to father.” “What about your wolves?” I asked. “She said when we had more hands she would take us to retrieve their bodies. For now, everyone is just trying to recover from the fight.” He pressed a kiss to the side of my head. “I will have to head home soon myself. To speak with my father and the other pack leaders.” “I’m coming with you.” I said and he shook his head. “No. You should stay here.” “Jackson I am coming with you.” I pulled away so I could look at him. He smiled as he nodded in agreement. A few days after the battle Yvonne opened a portal to the lake house, letting Jackson and I go through. We had already worked with the wolves and several volunteer witches to gather the bodies of those we lost. The wolves were returned home to their pack and the witches were taken back to The Winter Coven. Jackson stood with me in front of the house before taking a deep breath in and squeezing my hand, he led me inside, letting go as soon as we got inside. “Marissa!” Sarah came tearing across the foyer, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. “I am so glad you’re okay.” She squeezed me tightly. “Thanks to Jackson.” I say as she lets me go and I smile at her. “It was a team effort. Marissa got in her share of damage to the hunters team.” He acknowledged as she hugged him. “Father?” He asked and she pointed down the hall. “Meeting room.” She rolled her eyes. He took my arm in his and led me down the hall. Sarah following close behind. “You coming too?” Jackson asked her. “Oh yeah. They have been fighting all day. Just wait until you walk in.” She said gleefully. “The best part is father isn’t thinking about me.” We got to the office and Jackson knocked once before opening the door and stepping in, holding the door for me to follow. Sarah squeezed in behind me, ducking to the side so nobody would see her, as Jackson closed the door. The room fell silent and Jackson led me to a pair of chairs, pulling one out for me and then sitting beside me. “Jackson.” His father acknowledged him curtly. “And miss Marissa. Our friendly witch.” His tone was brief and I couldn’t read his face. I debated reading into his emotions but I was still raw from the coven and I knew the room was full of anger. “I want to say I am so sorry for the losses your packs suffered. We lost many of our own as well but the death toll would have been massively higher without your wolves. Their sacrifice is recognized and we mourn with you.” I spoke softly to the group. “Yet in spite of our losses, combined or otherwise, the threat still remains.” “Father, I .” Jackson stopped when his father held up his hand to silence him. “This loss is heavy, on us all. We allowed our wolves to volunteer for this mission, which was thier choice. Yet now we have to decide if we want to continue supporting this uneasy alliance or cut ties.” He motioned to the men around the table. “To be honest our inclination is to not, help any further. Twenty warriors. Their loss will be felt, no doubt.” He sat back as severak voices murmured. I looked at Jackson, his frustration clear on his face. “Let’s focus on funeral ceremonies for now. We can revisit this later, but let me be clear.” He leaned forward, making sure he had everyones attention. “This alliance was already shaky before all of this but now, there is a question as to whether it is in our best interest to continue.” “Father hear me out.” Jackson tried once more but his father stood up, buttoning his suite jacket and striding to the door. “That is enough for now Jackson. I have said my peace. Marissa, your condolences are noted. I am equally sorry to hear about your losses. Now we have other matters to attend to.” He pulled the door open “See to it Sarah gets to her mother. She has no need to be sneaking into meetings.” He added as he strode out of the room. Jackson stood up and led me from the room, making sure to drag Sarah along behind us. He led us down to the study where we found Michael sitting in front of a fire. Jackson sighed heavily as he dropped onto the couch, Sarah sitting on the chair near Michael. I made my way over and curled up with Jackson, leaning my head on his shoulder. “He’s mad?” Michael asked. “He is indifferent but yeah, he’s mad.” Jackson responded. “So is mother.” Sarah added. “About you. She is mad about you.” Michael interrupted her. She threw a pillow at him and he caught it mid air, dropping it to the floor. “Sarah met her fiance.” He shared with us. “And then she chased him off.” Sarah crossed her arms, sinking into her chair and glaring at him. “He was gross.” “I am not disagreeing with you there.” He muttered. “Sarah.” Jackson chided but she cut him off. “I am not marrying him!” She shouted. “What did you do?” I asked her. She shook her head refusing to tell us. “She showed him just how reckless she can get and he decided that wasn’t appropriate for a future Luna. Our feral gremlin.” Michael offered, earning another glare from her. “So mother is furious. I imagine father would be too if you werent his favorite.” My phone went off and I checked it. “Yvonne needs me.” I murmur standing up. Jackson stood as well and I hugged Sarah goodbye before we headed outside. Meeting her at her portal near the driveway. “Meet at the lake house tomorrow night?” He asked and I smiled as I nodded in agreement. “Tomorrow night.” I walked through the portal and turned back, smiling as it closed. Yvonne led me to the village center, opening the door to her office where Ella was waiting. “We know what the witches are after.” She said as she sat. I took a chair opposite of her. “They want Melody’s gift. The power she used to save the coven.” “Why?” “We aren’t sure but they won’t find it. It vanished with her when she died.” “They are using hunters to wipe us out for power that doesn’t exist?” I frowned. It didn’t make sense. “Thirteen covens with a center point means something though. We suspect they are aiming to create a nexus point. Some way to access the power beyond Melody’s death.” “We have another battle coming.” I sigh and Yvonne nods. “Faster than we think. Your magic may have disabled one of the witches but it will very likely drive them to push themselves. Especially now that they have gotten to the final two covens on their map.” “I need to warn Jackson. They may be returning to the house on his pack.” I murmur. “Yes. We need to move quickly ourselves.” Yvonne agreed standing up. “Meet me in half an hour?” I agreed and ran out to get a few things from my house, eager to see him, but anxious that our fight was still ongoing.
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