Going home together

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Albert had expected that Emma would say something like that. He had already prepared a plan for his artist. Albert is very experienced with this. "Tonight I will invite your parents to have dinner together. I will officially tell your parents about your moving to an apartment provided by the company. I'm sure your parents will understand. They can't prevent their child from succeeding in a career," said Albert. Emma did not agree in the slightest with what Albert was planning. But she couldn't do anything. She signed a contract with Albert when she entered the Star Entertainment agency five years ago. Previously, Emma worked without an agency. At that time, Emma just wanted to get more job offers. Because without an agency, it is tough to get a job, even if it is only as an extra. Emma never thought that she would be as famous as she is now. Never thought that a contract signed five years ago would have an impact like this. "All right, Mr. Karl. You can take Emma home now. And you, Emma...." Albert tried to warn Emma. "I heard that you are close to the actor who is your partner in this new movie. Please, avoid gossip. Your name has just skyrocketed. Never get involved in any scandal. Especially with that actor." Emma sighed. She knew that was the basic rule of being an artist. She was also not interested in getting involved in a scandal after the big trouble in her life due to Claudia's death. "I know!" Emma tried to lift herself up from her sitting position. She thought that her conversation with Albert was over. But Emma wobbled a little, and her body almost collapsed. Luckily, Richard realized it so before Emma fell. Richard managed to catch her body. "Are you all right, Miss Emma?" asked Richard. In Richard's arms, Emma accidentally looked at this man's face. She managed to look into the ocean's blue eyes. For a few seconds, Emma looked at this man anesthetized. Unlike Richard, who accidentally looked at Emma's beautiful skin, which was not covered, Richard hurriedly released Emma's body. "I am sorry, Miss Emma. I ... " Richard felt guilty for seeing something he shouldn't have. "Why?" Albert, who was in the room, overlooked the awkwardness between Emma and Richard. "Hurry home, Emma. Tell your parents something about your move. We're having dinner at seven," Albert said. Emma, who was still in shock because she had just met Richard, didn't listen to Albert's words and chose to just leave. "Do your job from now on, Mr. Karl. You have to look after Emma for twenty-four hours," Albert ordered. Richard Karl didn't say much. He quickly followed behind Emma. Richard had seen Emma get into the elevator just a few minutes before. And he was already getting ready to close the elevator doors. "Wait!" Richard ran to still get into the elevator. Unfortunately, the elevator doors were already closed. "Emma! Miss Emma!" Richard was not short on wits. He immediately headed to the emergency stairs, descended the bottom floor, and headed straight for the parking lot. Luckily, Richard arrived earlier than Emma. As soon as the girl appeared, Richard immediately took Emma to Richard's car. "Hey, Sir! What are you doing?" shrieked Emma. "Working," Richard replied. Moments later, Emma was in front of her parents' house. The girl was confused about how to get into the house. Richard stood behind Emma, gasping around. "How about this?" Emma muttered. She couldn't bear to meet her parents and tell them she was moving. But hadn't Emma's belongings been moved by Albert Mountain's men? Several times a sigh escaped Emma's lips. It intrigued Richard to ask because Emma stood in front of the fence. "Miss Emma, aren't you going to come inside?" asked Richard. Richard's question made Emma feel even more awkward. Plus Richard's sudden presence. "We've been standing at the gate for thirty minutes, Miss Emma." Once again, Richard reminded Emma. "I know! I know!" replied Emma curtly. "You think I don’t know?" "I'm sorry. Then let's go in. Two men see you down the street," whispered Richard. "What?" Emma turned in the direction Richard had mentioned, and true. She saw two men sitting looking at Emma's parents' house. Without thinking, Emma immediately opened the gate and entered. Richard followed behind her. Richard didn't forget to close the door again and still looked around. Meanwhile, Emma turned around and looked up at Richard seriously. "Since when did you know?" Emma asked. She needed an explanation from Richard about the knowledge of the two men. "Since getting out of the car," Richard replied. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I'm in charge of keeping you safe from top to bottom. Physical and spiritual. I don't want you to be afraid, Miss Emma. And after I heard Mr. Mountain's explanation. I have concluded that you experience anxiety outdoors," said Richard. Richard explained at length. But what did Emma do? Emma looked at Richard's face instead. And damn, Richard was very handsome. Emma had rarely seen a man this beautiful. Well, exactly, some stunning actors have worked with him. But Richard's aura was completely different. Cold and very mysterious. And it made her scared and curious at the same time. "Miss Emma, it's twelve o'clock. An old lady is standing behind you," said Richard. Instantly, Emma came to her senses. "Mother!" Emma immediately turned around, and true. She was already standing behind him. Emma should be able to explain to her mother about the move. "Mom …. " "Come in and eat first!" Fera interrupted her daughter's words and immediately asked her to come in. Emma couldn't argue with that. She immediately entered the house. Meanwhile, Richard remained standing outside. "You’re coming in too!" Fera ordered Richard. "I do not …. " "Come in!" Fera didn't want to be interrupted. And urged Richard in. Richard couldn't help but see how angry Fera's face was. Richard did not understand the customs in this family. But Richard had to get used to it. Because, after all, he had to take care of Emma and her family. Even though Emma will live separately from her parents. Once inside, Richard was greeted with a tense atmosphere in the house. Emma was seen crying in front of John–her father. Like there is something personal to them. Richard felt he shouldn't be in this situation. He was about to leave, but Fera held him back. "I heard you are Emma's bodyguard. Are you really going to take care of my daughter?" asked Fera with a desperate look in her eyes.
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