A tension Between Emma and Richard

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"I'm sorry, Miss Emma. I didn't move to surprise you." Richard didn't feel the least bit guilty after surprising Emma so much. "I just wanted to ensure you got to this terminal okay." Emma ignored Richard's answer. Maybe the answer is correct. But from the start, Emma didn't like him. So Richard only heard the speed of the wind passing by and leaving no trace. Emma stepped out of the parking area just like that. Actually, she is not an artist who is arrogant and haughty like Claudia. She is kind and does not hesitate to greet her fans. But somehow, she behaved like that towards Richard. Gracia and Albert also got out of the car. While Gracia followed Emma, Albert and Richard were alone in the parking area. "I hope you do a good job, Mr. Karl. Emma has just had a big jump in her career in the last few months. I ask you not to be too cold to Emma. She is empathetic," said Albert, trying to have a serious conversation with Richard. Richard tilted his head at the head of the Star Entertainment agency. He wanted to know in more detail what exactly happened to Emma because Melanie didn't say anything to him. He was only given a relatively general profile of Emma. Nothing specific. "Can you explain what happened, Mr. Mountain?" Richard drew a line across his lips into a crooked smile. Very handsome but also cold at the same time. "Mountain?" Albert furrowed his brow as Richard mocked his last name. "What's wrong with my name? You don't like it?" "No," Richard replied curtly. He just walked into the building, followed by Albert, who was still annoyed with Richard's attitude. They sauntered towards the elevator. Albert invited Richard to his room to explain about Emma. The current artist had been with this agency for a long time, but Albert never glanced at it because it was not popular. Albert only glanced at Emma after Emma's fame was due to the Claudia case. Two men who both wore suits entered the elevator to the seventh floor. The place where Albert's room is. It didn't take long to get to the seventh floor. Albert also showed directions to his room. Some staff who saw Albert greeted him. And the female crew saw Richard walking hand in hand with Albert. They mistakenly thought that Richard was a new talent at this agency. After all, he was just a bodyguard. Both men entered Albert's room. There was already Emma, who was still wearing the clothes she had used for the photo shoot with Kevin. Without Grace by her side. Emma was indifferent as soon as she saw Rich enter her boss' room. "Please, sit down, Mr. Karl. I'll explain the work you have to do," said Albert. He remained professional even though Richard had annoyed him several times. Richard sat right in front of Emma. His demeanor is relaxed, but the way he sits looks so straight. Looks really stiff. Meanwhile, Emma turned her attention elsewhere. She couldn't help but stare at Richard's handsomeness. Too much self-esteem. "You really don't know who Emma Stewart is, Mr. Karl? She's been a viral artist in recent months. She's done several movies and commercials. Haven't you seen her on television or the internet?" asked Albert? He sat in front of his desk while taking out several contracts that Richard had to sign. "No, sir. I do not really watch television or the internet. That isn't important to me," Richard answered truthfully. Every day he only sees sports and some important news. He's not interested in movies or artist news. Emma felt a little offended by Richard's answer. In this day and age, who doesn't watch movies or television? How can this man live a life like this? "You're so arrogant," said Emma. "Yes, Miss Emma?" Richard glanced at Emma when she called him arrogant. Richard's gaze really made a red painting on Emma's cheeks. This man never ceases to amaze Emma but hates her simultaneously. "I didn't say anything," Emma said, trying to deny it. "Oh, I see." Richard began to pay attention to Albert Mountain's explanation again. The owner of the agency also tries to be in the middle position. Not wanting to get involved in the cold situation between Emma and Richard. “Emma is experiencing some disturbances caused by a fan misunderstanding of Claudia. One of the artists at this agency. She died a few months ago, and her fans suspect that Emma was the cause of her death. Emma has been proven innocent by the police. But Claudia's fans are still there. Disturbing Emma. And you need the services of a bodyguard to protect Emma from these disturbances. So you have to take care of her, Mr. Karl," said Albert. Richard glanced at Emma. A glance that made Emma uncomfortable. But she had no choice but to accept Richard as her bodyguard instead of him being bullied all the time. "You will be with Emma for twenty-four hours. Emma will also move to a device not far near the agency office so I can monitor her activities," said Albert. "Albert?" Emma had just heard about the move. "Who said I was moving? I'm going to stay with my parents." Emma doesn't like it when Albert decides for herself where she will live. Although already a famous artist. Emma is never shy about living in her parents' house, which can be said to be very simple. Even though Emma paid enough to buy a luxury apartment. Although only a few months to fame. "No, Emma. You can't live with your parents all the time. They'll be bothered by people bothering you. You know, they've also been attacked a few times by Claudia's fans. So you should stay away from them. Maybe after you move, Claudia's fans won't bother them, and your dad can open a cake shop again." Albert gave Emma an apparent argument. But the girl was quite worried. She did not want to hurt her parents' feelings by choosing to move. Meanwhile, Richard notices a miscommunication between Emma and Albert. Albert seemed to be dominating Emma's life. There was something Albert wanted from Emma. "You can visit your parents' house weekly, Miss Emma. I'll drive you any time," said Richard, interrupting Emma and Albert's conversation. "That's right, Emma. You can visit them. Your parents will understand. Today you can say goodbye to them. While your belongings are in the process of being moved from your parents' house to the new apartment you will live in," said Albert. "Today?" Emma was shocked. "Are you crazy, Albert? How are my parents feeling?"
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